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时间:2023-02-22 22:52来源:毕业论文

摘要随着改革开放不断深入,政府治理理念的变化推动了我国治理模式由“大政府小社会”到“小政府大社会” 的转变,草根公益组织因此获得了更广阔的发展空间。我国草根公益组织发展起步较晚,专门针对草根公益组织的研究尚很不足。87630


毕业论文关键词  互联网+  草根公益组织  公民社会

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title  Study on the Development Predicaments and Countermeasures  of Grassroots Commonweal Organizations——The Case of One Certain Organization in Nanjing                   

Abstract With the deepening of reform and opening-up, the change of the governing philosophy of the Chinese administration promoted the transformation from “big government, small society” to the new model of “small government, big society”, thus creating broader development space for grassroots commonweal organizations。 The development of grassroots commonweal organizations started late in China, and researches specially made on those organizations are rather insufficient。 

This thesis is based on documents research and a case study in the context of “Internet Plus”, and aims to probe into the development predicament that Chinese grassroots NGOs are confronted with, and to put forward feasible countermeasures accordingly。 This paper takes a typical grassroots commonweal organization in Nanjing for example, and holds that the current predicaments come from both within and outside the organizations。 And the current situation could be effectively improved through the improvement of legislation, supervision and evaluation, capacity building of the organization itself, the establishment of inspiration and feedback mechanism, the development of supporting organizations, as well as the improvement in their ability to use the Internet。 

Keywords  Internet Plus  Grassroots commonweal organization  Civil society

目   次

1  引言 1

1。1  研究背景及意义 1

1。2  研究问题的提出 2

1。3  研究对象的界定 2

2  相关研究综述 4

2。1  国外非政府组织相关研究 4

2。2  国内草根公益组织的研究 5

3  互联网+背景下我国草根公益组织的发展困境 8

3。1  草根公益组织发展的外部环境 8

3。1。1  制度环境制约 8From+优|尔-论_文W网wWw.YouErw.com 加QQ752018.766

3。1。2  社会公益氛围缺乏 9

3。1。3  资源限制 9

3。1。4  监管不足 10

3。2  草根公益组织的自身障碍 互联网+背景下草根公益组织发展困境及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_141197.html
