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时间:2022-10-13 22:07来源:毕业论文



Ca6-xY2+xNa2(PO4)6-x(SiO4)xF2:Eu3+The Preparation of Luminescent Material Series Apatite Structure

Abstract:  21st century as the fourth generation LED lighting source quickly replaced the traditional light source, its low calorific value, small power consumption, long service life and environmental protection advantages is fluorescent lamp and incandescent lamp can't be matched by the traditional light source。 LED light-emitting material is mainly composed of matrix and luminescent centers of two important parts, and apatite structure apatite structure has structural persity, can provide a variety of light emitting cells for the center, easy preparation, physical and chemical properties stable characteristics such as often as the matrix of luminescent material, preparation, because he is easy to provide a variety of light emitting cells for the center, variety structure, physical properties and chemical properties of stability。 This paper on the basis of apatite structure composition, design and using high temperature solid phase method to synthesize a new type of apatite structure Ca5。93 - xEu0。07 Y2 + xNa2 (PO4) 6 - x (SiO4) xF2: Eu3 +, and studied the rare earth Eu3 + ions and metal Ca + doped luminescence properties, X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) are used to determine the structure of the synthesized samples, and use the Maud software structure refinement。 Using fluorescence spectrum analysis of the preparation of the luminescence performance of the sample。 Results show that we can design the structure for the expected apatite structure

Key Wold: LED phosphors,apatite structure,,rare earth luminescent material

目    录

摘  要 1

引  言 2

1实验部分 3

1。1。高温固相法制备Ca6-xY 2+xNa2(PO4)6-x(SiO4)xF2新型氟磷灰石结构及稀土离子掺杂的Ca6-xY 2+xNa2(PO4)6-x(SiO4)xF2:Eu系列发光材料: 3

1。2实验所用仪器及试剂 3

1。3实验基本步骤 4

1。4实验中所需的注意事项: 5

2结果和讨论 6

2。1相的成分分析 6

2。2 Ca5。93-xEu0。07Y2+xNa2(PO4)6-x(SiO4)xF2发光性能分析 8

3、结论 10

参考文献 11

致  谢 13

Ca6-xY2+xNa2(PO4)6-x(SiO4)xF2:Eu3+系列磷灰石结构发光材料的制备引 言   

稀土是一种重要的战略资源,他包括化学元素周期表中的15个镧系元素和与之密切相关的两个元素钪(Sc)和钇(Y)共17中元素。是一些诸如军事装备、汽车零部件等高新技术工业的重要原料。而中国是唯一一个能提供17种稀土元素的国家,且稀土的存储量远远大于世界其他国家的储量总和。自从20世纪60年代以来,稀土的氧化物实现了高纯化以后,稀土发光材料便有了重大的突破。作为优秀的照明产品,稀土发光材料具有寿命长、节能、环境友好、物理化学性质稳定等优点,他的发光谱带窄、发射波长分布区域宽、光吸收能力强,已发展成为信息显示、照明光源、光电器件等领域的关键支撑材料之一,现在稀土发光几乎覆盖了整个固体发光的范畴[1]。正是因为这些优异的性能和广泛的用途,使稀土材料被广泛地研究。而且稀土素有材料中的“调味剂”之称,其特殊的发光机理向发光材料提供了非常明确的方向。稀土具有丰富的电子能级和和光谱线,为发光材料提供了十分宽广的空间。论文网 Ca6-xY2+xNa2(PO4)6-x(SiO4)xF2:Eu3+系列磷灰石结构发光材料的制备:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_100277.html
