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时间:2018-04-18 22:00来源:毕业论文

关键词   丙烯酸乙酯、苯胺、方酸、有机催化剂、水
Title    The Synthesis of Aromatic Amine Acrylate Compounds
As an efficient and quickly catalyst conjugate addition of aromatic amines to unsaturated carbonyl compounds in water, squaric acid shows its unique properties. It is simple, green, and environmentally .Especially, it leads to excellent yields . It has the following advantages : low sensitivity toward moisture and oxygen, high tolerance of different functional groups, green reaction media and efficient recyclability .It is wildly used both in laboratory and industrial scale synthesis of β-substituted carbonyls under very mild conditions.
To a solution of water, ethyl acrylate (200 mg, 2 mmol) and aniline (93 mg, 1 mmol) were added in the presence of squaric acid (5 mg) as catalyst. The mixture was stirred for 8 hours in 75℃, the resulting mixture was cooled to room temperature and extracted with ethyl acetate. The mixture was purified by column chromatography on silica gel (petroleum ether/ethylacetate 8/1) to afford 3-Phenylamino-propionic acid ethyl ester. The process of the reaction is traced by TLC and GC-MS, and the yield of this reaction is up to 86.3%. The product is comfirmed by GC, GC-MS and 1H-NMR.
Keywords  Ethyl Acrylate ; Aniline ;Squaric Acid; Organocatalyst; Water
目   次
1. 绪论    1
1.1 丙烯酸酯类化合物芳氨化简介    1
1.2 丙烯酸酯类化合物芳氨化目前研究进展    1
1.3 实验影响的因素    4
1.4 实验机理    4
1.5 研究的目的和任务    5
2.实验相关操作原理    6
2.1分离提纯操作    6
2.2定量分析操作    6
2.3定性分析操作    7
3. 实验研究    8
3.1 实验设备仪器设备与材料    8
3.2 实验操作    9
3.3产物结构表征    10
4.工艺条件的研究    12
4.1反应时间的选择    12
4.2反应温度的选择    13
4.3催化剂的改变    13
4.4物料比的选择    15
4.5小结    16
结论    17
致谢    18
参考文献    19
附录1    21
附录2    22
1 绪论
1.1  丙烯酸酯类化合物芳氨化
在天然产物和生物活性化合物中,β-氨基羰基结构非常常见。β-氨基羰基化合物也表示为β-氨基酸衍生物,氨基醇,二胺,其中有许多作为重要的抗生素或其他药物的合成中通用的积木。经典的合成方法,以β-氨基羰基单元是曼尼希型反应。近年来,小有机分子,除了金属配合物和生物催化剂,可以成为高选择性和高效率的催化剂已经被确立。因此,有机催化在不对称合成,补充生物和金属催化[2]中变得越来越重要。 丙烯酸酯类化合物的芳氨化+文献综述+核磁共振谱图:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_13584.html