Abstract:since the policy”five water co-governance” was carried out by Hangzhou government,more than half of the black smelly river were controlled,”five water co-governance”made great achievements,according to a news by 2015 years,Hangzhou government publish the administer of black smelly river report,through sewage pipe, dredging dredging, ecological management, water distribution, long-term management and other measures,47 black smelly river were controlled。However,some of this river which were controlled have appeared new pollution, During the two sessions this year,two the delegates for the province analysed 7 black smelly river which were controlled some time agos,there were found 6 of this river low-grade six class。 Why does this happen? The purpose of this investigation is to find out the reasons for the bad governance of the black and the poor river, looking for better governance strategy。
毕业论文关键词:黑臭河; 五水共治; 治理; 反弹; 对策
Keyword:black smelly river; five water co-governance; control;rebound; rebound; strategy
1引言 4
2。余杭五常街道河流水质污染现状和原因调查 4
2。1 研究的基本内容 4
2。1。1实验阶段 4
2。1。2余杭五常街道水质结果分析 5
2。2 余杭五常街道水质污染现状 7
3。 余杭五常街道河流水质污染治理 8
3。3。1 余杭五常河流水质污染治理存在的问题 8
(1)污水管网全面覆盖耗时长、难度大 8
(2)河流初期雨水系源Y于U优I尔O论P文W网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201-8766 统还没有被全面引用,大部分污水随着雨水管道直接排入河道,造成河道污染。 8
(3)农村生活污水没有得到有效处理 9
(4)配水和调水实际上是对河道污染的转移 9
(5)监管机制非常不完善 9
(6)河道没有设立健全的管理措施 9
(7)污水处理系统中大多没有除磷、脱氮工艺流程 9
3。3。2余杭五常河流水质治理对策 10
(1)水污染控制技术 10
(2)水资源合理调配 10
(3)实施雨污分流 10
(4)建立河涌生态系统,使水生生态环境建立良好循环机制。 10
(5)底泥修复技术 10
(6)加强环保加强教育宣传 余杭五常河道污染源调查及治理:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_174504.html