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时间:2024-09-12 22:18来源:97173
在热处理工艺下,下相涂层开始转变,由结晶度较低的 DCHA 转变为结 晶良好的磷酸钙,即 β-TCP。




Abstract:Biological ceramic materials and bone tissue are very similar in chemical components, show excellent biocompatibility and therefore have a natural advantage in medical applications compared to other materials. And nowadays, they are playing more and more important roles. At the present stage, the available mature technologis of bioceramic coating preparation on metal surface are limited, and the steps are usually complicated and are high costing. In order to improve the current status, this study carried out modified deposition method to generate Ca-P coating and then after heat

treatment, Ca-p coating was further transformed to β-TCP.

Scanning electron microscope, X-ray diffractometer and contact angle measuring instrument were used to optimize the best technological process. The experiment found that solely soaking in CPS1 generated a coating extremely unstable, easily to be changed; whereas, after conduct chemical deposition in CPS1-CPS2 mixed solution, a coatign with blade shaped microstructures could be obtained. Compared to the use of CPS1 alone,  the second  kind  methods  is  more  feasible  for  the  consequent  heat  treatment   ofβ-TCP preparation. At different heat treatment temperatures, the crystallinity of β-TCP formed at 900 DEG C is higher than that under 800 or 700 DEG C. The results showed that on the titanium substrate pretreated by alkali heat treatment a Ca-P coating can be prepared at room temperature by chemical deposition method.The treatment of 1H in CPS1, and then treated with CPS2 Ca-P coated 12h could lead to a dense coating with best quality.After the heat treatment of 1H at 900 DEG C, with the furnace cooling,  β-TCP  coating with highest crystallinity and best coating quality could be gotten.

Keywords: titanium; biological materials; calcium phosphate; chemical deposition


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 生物材料 1

1.2 医用生物陶瓷 2

1.2.1 医用生物陶瓷性能 2

1.2.2 医用生物陶瓷的简史 2

1.2.3 常温常压下磷酸钙的化学沉积研究:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_204689.html
