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时间:2020-10-06 09:15来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Polyurethane foam plastics is a kind of widely used, good performance of new type of synthetic polymer materials. It is widely used in construction, automotive, aviation and other economic with foams, elastomers, adhesives and other forms because of its unique structure and excellent performance. However, it has lead to increasingly serious environmental problems with the extensive use of polyurethane materials. The invironmental impact of its production and waste treatment has become the focus of international attention. The research of polyurethane in nature and biological degradation is of great significance. In this paper, the mechanism of polyurethane degradation such as photolysis, oxidation, hydrolysis and biodegradation, types of light stabilizer, antioxidant, hydrolysis stabilizer, the research progress of biodegradable polyurethane and the influence of polyurethane with different chemical structure on degradability were reviewed.

Keywords:polyurethane, mechanism of degradation, natural degradation, biodegradable

目 录

1 前言 4

2 聚氨酯自然条件下降解机理及其稳定剂 4

2.1光降解机理及其稳定剂 4

2.1.1胺的氧化 4

2.1.2 氨基甲酸酯键的断裂 5

2.1.3 光稳定剂 6

2.2 热氧化降解机理及其稳定剂 8

2.2.1热氧化降解机理 8

2.2.2热氧化稳定剂 9

2.3 水解机理及其稳定剂 10

2.3.1水解机理 10

2.3.2水解稳定剂 11

3 可生物降解聚氨酯的降解机理、降解性的表征及其制备方法 12

3.1 可生物降解聚氨酯的降解机理 12

3.2 降解性的分析测试方法 12

3.3 可生物降解聚氨酯的制备 12

3.3.1淀粉制备可生物降解聚氨酯材料 12

3.3.2 纤维素制备可生物降解聚氨酯材料 13

3.3.3木质素制备可生物降解聚氨酯材料 13

3.3.4 单宁、树皮制备可生物降解聚氨酯材料 13

4 聚氨酯的结构与其降解性的关系 14

4.1 异氰酸酯结构对聚氨酯降解性的影响 14

4.2 二元醇结构对聚氨酯降解性的影响 15

4.3 聚酯多元醇对聚氨酯降解性的影响 聚氨酯泡沫塑料自然条件下降解及生物降解机理研究综述:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_62364.html
