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时间:2021-01-03 11:36来源:毕业论文

摘要:在常温常压,25℃、101Kpa下,氯气为黄绿色的气体,易溶于水,易溶于有机溶剂,难溶于饱和食盐水;在常温常压下加压,可液化,变成黄绿色的油状液氯,是氯碱工业的主要产品之一,经常被用作一种是强氧化剂,加热下能够和全部金属反应,与氢气反应是工业制盐酸的方法。氯气中混和有氢气时经强光照射会发生爆炸现象。氯气和有机物的取代和加成可以生成多种氯化物和氯的衍生物。采用氯碱法装置处理氯气,分三个主要步骤,即冷却、干燥、储存,这是因为湿氯气会腐蚀钢铁和金属,所以从电解槽出来的湿氯气必须经过冷却、干燥处理后才能进行运输和深加工。用到的干燥塔主要设备有填料塔、泡罩塔、泡沫塔;冷却器、除雾器等。干燥剂用浓硫酸,因为:1、浓硫酸不和氯气产生化学反应 2、氯气不溶于硫酸 3、浓硫酸吸水 4、浓硫酸不腐蚀钢铁设备 5、浓硫酸价廉易得且便于回收利用。冷却用工业用水。61787

毕业论文关键词: 氯气处理;工艺设计;工艺计算;设备选型;冷却

 120000 tons/year electrolysis chlorine treatment process of caustic soda production process

Abstracting:At atmospheric pressure, under 25 ℃, and 101 kpa, chlorine gas for yellow-green, soluble in water, soluble in organic solvents, soluble in saturated salt water;At room temperature under atmospheric pressure, can be liquefied, becoming yellowish oily liquid chlorine, is one of the main products of the chlor-alkali industry, is often used as a kind of strong oxidizer, heating can be and all metal reaction, reaction with hydrogen is the method system of industrial hydrochloric acid.When mixed with hydrogen in the chlorine gas explode the glare phenomena.Chlorine and organic matter to replace and bonus can generate a variety of the derivatives of chlorine and chlorine.Using chlorine alkali method device processing, three main steps, namely, cooling, drying, storage, this is because the wet chlorine corrosion of steel and metal, so out of the cell must go through cooling, drying of wet chlorine gas treatment to transportation and further processing.Main equipment are packed tower, drying tower used in bubble column, bubble column;Cooler, mist eliminator, etc.Desiccant with concentrated sulfuric acid, because: 1, the concentrated sulfuric acid with chlorine to produce chemical reaction 2 insoluble in 3 sulfate, sulfuric acid, chlorine gas suction 4, sulfuric acid corrosion of steel equipment 5, concentrated sulfuric acid is cheap and easy to recycle.With the industrial water cooling.

Key words: chlorine treatment;Process design;Process calculation;Equipment selection;cooler

1 前言 1

1.1 概述 1

1.1.1 氯气 1

1.1.2 氯碱工业在国民经济中的地位 1

1.2 氯气的处理工艺方法 1

2 氯气处理工艺的计算 1

2.1 计算依据 3

2.1.1 计算条件 3

2.1.2 物料衡算 4

2.1.3 能量衡算 5

2.2 二段钛冷却器 7

2.2 .1 计算依据 7

2.2.2 物料衡算 7

2.3.3 能量衡算 8

2.3 一段硫酸干燥塔(填料塔) 9

2.3.1 计算依据 9

2.3.2 物料衡算 9

2.4二段硫酸干燥塔(泡罩塔) 年产12万吨电解法烧碱生产过程氯气处理工序的工艺设计:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_67730.html
