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时间:2021-02-27 20:02来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词:乳化柴油 阻爆柴油 乳化剂 辅助乳化剂 爆炸


Title  Study on Properties of micro-emulsified diesel                               


Emulsified diesel oil can be used based on the existing diesel engines, so the study attracts tremendous attention. Coupled with international oil prices continued to rise, we need to study low levels fuel resources are limited, we need to improve the fuel stability and efficiency.

This topic focuses on micro emulsified diesel oil. So the following experiment is made: flash point, condensation point, viscosity, blast pressure, combustion duration, transmission electron microscopy (tem) analysis, grain size tests. The experimental results show that different water content have quite large influence on micro emulsion diesel. The micro emulsion physical and chemical properties and microstructure was studied by embarking from the different proportion. The influence of different emulsifier, co-emulsifier, water, suppressant content on the physical and chemical properties was also studied.

Keywords : emulsified diesel oil explosion-inhibitory diesel  emulsifier  co-emulsifier explosion

 1  绪论 1

1.1  研究意义与应用前景 1

1.2  燃烧及爆炸理论特性 1

1.3  微乳化柴油性质和稳定性 2

1.4  微乳液和表面活性剂 2

1.5  研究内容及意义 4

2  微乳化柴油配方设计 5

2.1  实验试剂 5

2.2  实验部分 5

2.3  实验结果及讨论 6

2.4  小结 9

3  微乳化柴油理化性能研究 10

3.1  实验仪器和试剂 10

3.2  理化实验部分 10

3.3  理化实验结果及讨论 11

3.4  小结 14

4  燃爆性能 15

4.1  爆炸性能实验 15

4.2  20L爆炸球实验 15

4.3  持续燃烧时间测定 19

4.3  小结 22

5  微观结构测量及表征 24

5.1  实验仪器 24

5.2  透射电子显微镜(TEM)分析与粒径分析实验 24

5.3 微乳化柴油性能研究:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_70261.html
