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时间:2017-05-31 22:38来源:毕业论文
b. Commonly used dangerous chemistry classified standard.(GB13690-1992) c. Inpressure vessel chemistry medium model harm and explosion hazard degree classification (HGJ43-1991) d. Factory fire pro

b. Commonly used dangerous chemistry classified standard.(GB13690-1992)
c. Inpressure vessel chemistry medium model harm and explosion hazard degree classification (HGJ43-1991)
d. Factory fire protection stipulation (GBJ16-1987)
e. The sewage synthesis discharges the stipulation (GBJ8978)
f. The steel pins down the pressure vessel (GB150)
g. Shell type heat interchanger standard (GB151)
h. Craft system arrangement of equipment design stipulation (HG20570)
i. Chemical installment piping arrangement design stipulation (HG/T20549)
Through the design, can HuanGuan method of polypropylene synthesis process and polymerization design workshop section in a preliminary understanding and know, and understand to HuanGuan synthesis method of the basic process of polypropylene.
This design uses gas production of polypropylene, from the perspective of the preliminary design with an annual output of 90000 tons of polypropylene a comprehensive chemical plant design, considered the polypropylene market prospects, human resources, material resources, production technology Such as the factory on a preliminary planning.   
Section completed a major technology, equipment selection, and the mapping of the entire plant layout plans, polypropylene process diagram, with control points of section process map, section synthetic materials flow chart and the elevation of the workshop the floor plan. The result of the design subject to the requirements, the completion of a polypropylene production plant in the preliminary design for the feasibility study, completed the materials, energy, equipment and other relevant terms.
Key Words:Polypropylene;S-PP craf;liquid phase polymerization;catalyst
目  录
1 概述    1
1.1 聚丙烯的性质    1
1.1.1 聚丙烯的物理性质    1
1.1.2 聚丙烯的化学性质    1
1.2 聚丙烯的用途    2
1.3 聚丙烯的分类    2
1.4 我国聚丙烯生产工艺技术现状及发展前景    3
1.5  Spheripol工艺特性介绍    3
1.5.1  液相环管反应器    3
1.5.2  气相密相流化床    4
1.5.3 辅助工程系统    5
1.5.4  Spheripol工艺的综合优势    5
1.6  Spheripol工艺过程    5
1.6.1  原料精制及催化剂制备系统    6
1.6.2  预聚合和液相反应系统    6
1.6.3  闪蒸脱气    7
1.6.4  气相共聚反应系统    7
1.6.5  干燥挤压造粒系统    8
2  设计的基础依据    9
2.1  衡算原则    9
2.1.2  能量守恒    9
2.2 设计原则    9
2.3 设计任务    10
3 工艺流程设计    11
3.1  工艺原理    11
3.2  催化剂的选定    12
3.3  生产工艺的选定    12
3.4  工艺流程简图    13
3.5  工艺流程概述    14
3.5.1  聚合区工艺    14
3.5.2  造粒区    17
3.5.3  包装区    17
3.5.4  循环水场    17
4  物料衡算    18
4.1  设计名称    18
4.2  设计条件    18
4.2.1  全套装置工艺参数    18
4.2.2  丙烯进料量    18
4.2.3  氢气进料量    19
4.3  催化剂用量    19
4.4  反应器物的料衡算    19 年产9万吨聚丙烯生产工艺设计(3):http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_8177.html