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时间:2022-03-12 21:27来源:毕业论文



Preparation and Oil Absorption of Polymeric Template Modified Graphite Gel 

Abstract : In recent years, due to a variety of transport oil tanker oil pollution caused by water pollution accidents have occurred, the marine ecological environment has been greatly damaged。 The study found that the greatest impact on the biological life of the ocean is one of the dissolved oil, water biological and dissolved oil contact will generate a huge threat to toxins。 As the seawater composition and the marine environment is complex and varied, the content of dissolved oil is very small, so there is no perfect study on the treatment method of dissolved oil in the sea。 On the basis of this, the feasibility of the graphene oil on the adsorption behavior of the dissolved oil in water was studied in this paper。 In this paper, graphene was prepared by oxidation-reduction method, and graphene aerogels were prepared by using P123 as template。 The surface morphology, microstructure, lipophilicity and hydrophobicity of the materials were studied by SEM, TGA, Raman and infrared analysis。

Key Words:Graphene; Polymer template; oil absorption


第一章 绪论 1

1。1 油污染的原因 1

1。2油品泄漏带来的危害 1

1。3油品泄漏事故的应急处理措施 1

1。3。1围控与回收法 1

1。3。2分散法 2

1。3。3凝固法 2

1。3。4焚烧法及生物降解法 2

1。3。5吸收法 2

1。4 吸油材料研究进展 3

1。4。1 吸油材料定义 3

1。4。2 吸油材料的分类 3

1。4。3油材料的吸油机理 5

1。5石墨烯简介 5

1。5。1石墨烯的结构 6

1。5。2石墨烯的特点 7

1。5。3石墨烯制备方法 7

1。5。4石墨烯的应用 10

1。6墨烯基吸油材料简介 11

1。6。1海绵状石墨烯 11

1。6。2石墨烯基海绵 11

1。6。3碳气凝胶 11

1。7本章小结 12

第二章 石墨烯/P123复合凝胶的制备 12

2。1 实验部分 12

2。1。1 实验原料 12 聚合物模板改性石墨烯气凝胶的制备及其吸油性能的研究:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_90964.html
