毕业论文关键词: 回转窑本体;耐火材料;散热量;表面温度
Design of rotary kiln
Abstract: The rotary kiln is the main function of slurry materials or powder materials and heat processing, from the appearance of the first rotary kiln has been more than and 100 years of history, with the development of society and technology, the modern society of the rotary kiln are more extensive, such as garbage and other materials pyrolysis processing。 As more and more rotary kiln is used, so that the rotary kiln combustion efficiency, energy consumption is imminent。 The purpose of this project is to design a fully burning rotary kiln body, through the selection of refractory materials in the rotary kiln, the heat dissipation and surface temperature of the body are calculated。
Key words: rotary kiln body; refractory material; heat dissipation; surface temperature
摘要 I
Abstract I
目录 II
1 绪论 5
1。1课题的意义 5
1。2。1国外情况 5
1。2。2国内情况 6
2 设计依据 9
2。1 窑型和长径比 9
2。1。1窑型 9
2。1。2长径比 10
2。2 回转窑的生产率 10
2。2。1按窑内物料流通能力: 10
2。2。2按物料反应时间 11
2。2。3按正常排烟能力 12
2。2。4按供热能力 12
2。2。5按窑内传热能力 13
3 计算 14
3。1耐火材料导热率计算公式 14
3。2材料确定 17
3。3导热系数的影响因素 25
3。3。1 测量温度的影响 25
3。3。2试样气孔率的影响 26
3。3。4密度的影响 26
3。3。5湿度的影响 26
3。4回转窑本体支架 27
3。4。1支架的作用 27
3。4。2支架的基础设计 27
3。4。3 支架材料选择计算 29
3。5 回转窑生产负荷 30
3。5。1 技术进步,回转窑熟料产量在不断提高 30
3。5。2关于预分解窑产量的计算公式 直筒回转窑本体设计:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_96486.html