Problems of the Group Work during Teaching Processand Suggestions for Its Optimization
Abstract:As a teaching tachnique,group work is considered to be a good way which many teachers of primary and junior high school students apply to improve the efficency during the teaching process。While the present condition is not satisfying。And to dig out the deep cause for this phenomenon。We collect much information by way of class observation and interviewing with the teachers。We find that there are indeed some problems such as improper topics for the students;irractional allocation of the group members;ambiguous task pision and unbalanced leaming chances etc。On this basis,this essay will give some practical suggestions for the teachers by taking the actual condition into consideration,We will call the teachers to give proper and clear studying tasks,to combine the good students and remedial ones together, and to find the problem of the students and help them revise it in time ect。So that we could hopefully improve the quality of the group work and better the teaching effect。
Key words:group;teaching in class;problems;optimization
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
一、小组合作教学的内涵及重要性 2
(一)小组合作教学的内涵 2
(二)小组合作教学的重要性 2
二、小组合作教学存在的问题 3
(一)主题任务不具有探究性 3
(二)组内学生搭配不合理 4
(三)任务分工不明确 4
(四)学生学习机会不均等 5
三、小组合作教学的优化建议 5
(一)科学合理预设学习任务 5
(二)优差学生合理搭配 6
(三)合理确定组内学习任务 6
(四)及时引导反馈 7
参考文献 8
附录I:访谈记录(教师) 9
附录Ⅱ:访谈记录(学生) 11
致谢 12
“小组合作教学是在新课改的倡导下,在课堂教学中实施的一种高效的教学方式和学习方法,小组合作教学是以小组为单位,积极利用学习客体之间的互动关系,使学生在这种互动过程中得到学习,把小组共同完成教学任务作为教学成果的评价标准”[1]。相比传统的“填鸭式”教学方式而言,小组合作教学方式得到了教师和学生的普遍喜爱,小组合作教学不仅有利于减轻教师的教学负担,而且提高了学生发现问题和解决问题的能力,在课堂教学中,小组合作教学为课堂增添了活力和生命力,促进了师生、学生之间的交流,在这种教学方式中,学生的集体意识和合作精神得到了提高,同时提高了学生共同学习、共同进步的意识。然而在实际的应用过程中,小组合作教学却存在很多问题致使教学效果大打折扣。本文通过以周口市八一路第二小学为例探讨其具体存在的问题及问题的成因分析,并对此提出解决的对策,以确保小组合作教学在实际应用中的高质量和高效率。论文网 小组合作教学存在的问题及优化建议:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_100734.html