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时间:2018-03-02 21:09来源:毕业论文

Exploring Reading Teaching Mistakes of Primary Lower Grades
Abstract: With the deepening of curriculum reform, primary reading teaching due to the shackles of the traditional teaching philosophy, and produces some misunderstanding. This article takes primary lower grades students as research subjects,by using literature to collect, collate relevant information and analysis the results. Such as: ignoring students’ reading interests; grasping the status of the student is not accurate; simple reading teaching methods; improper selection of reading materials. Last, to solve these problems, it will start with the four areas to find solutions, such as, stimulating student reading interest and improving teachers’ teaching level; changing the traditional teaching philosophy and respecting student body position; using a variety of teaching methods and encouraging students to propose questions; choosing appropriate reading materials and training students' reading habits.
Key words:Primary lower grades; Reading teaching; Importance
目  录
摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、小学低年级阅读教学的重要性    2
(一)阅读关系到小学低年级学生的识字    2
(二)阅读关系到小学低年级学生的写作    2
(三)阅读关系到小学低年级学生的口语交际    3
二、小学低年级阅读教学存在的误区    4
(一)忽视学生阅读兴趣    4
(二)对学生主体地位把握偏差    5
(三)阅读教学手段过于简单    5
(四)阅读材料选择的不恰当    6
三、应对小学低年级阅读教学误区的策略    6
(一)激发学生阅读兴趣,提高教师教学水平    6
(二)转变传统教学理念,尊重学生主体地位    7
(三)采用多样教学手段,鼓励学生质疑问难    7
(四)选择恰当阅读材料,培养学生阅读习惯    8
参考文献    9
致谢    10
小学低年级阅读教学误区探究 新课标指出: “阅读是学生的个性化行为, 应该引导学生钻研文本, 在主动积极的思文和情感活动中, 加深理解和体验, 有所感悟和思考, 受到情感熏陶, 获得思想启迪, 享受审美乐趣。要珍视学生独特的感受、体验和理解, 不应以教师的分析来代替学生的阅读实践。”即学生在学习、思考的过程中占主导地位,通过自己的感受、体验和理解来收获。 课程改革的推进,教师开始把主动权还给学生,努力为学生创造环境,让学生自己主动学习、探究,获得新知、发散思文。而在这大好形势之下掩藏着一些误区,如教学方法形式多样而只是流于表象,教学目标不具体,课堂导入过于冗长学生失去兴趣,讨论出现异常繁荣景象而偏离原有课堂学习内容。因此,通过对语文阅读教学相关文献的搜集、整理和研究,希望找到这些现象的原因,并给出好的建议。 小学低年级阅读教学误区探究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_10232.html