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时间:2018-04-24 14:39来源:毕业论文

3-4 years old children choose status quo of family toys
—Two kindergartens based on zhoukou city investigation
Abstract: The basic ability of toys to children, help children develop the ability of thinking things, understanding, children cultivate good moral character, promoting positive happy mood, toys for children's development has an important role in. The survey found, parents begin to pay attention to the significance of the body of children toys, intellectual, emotional, and other aspects of the development of creativity. Although many parents pay attention to toy safety, but a sense of security, the understanding is not enough.  In this paper, in order to make the parents in the process of selecting the toys for children have a more in-depth understanding, through the questionnaire survey method and literature method for 3-4 years old children's parents in the process of toys to choose investigation, analyze the problems arising from the questionnaire, for parents to put forward reasonable Suggestions in the process of the choice of toys.
Key words: 3-4 years old children; Toy choice;Status;advice
目  录
摘  要    1
Abstract     1
一、玩具对幼儿发展的作用    2
   (一)玩具能够促进幼儿动作协调能力的发展    2
   (二)玩具能提高幼儿的智力发展水平    2
   (三)玩具能够促进幼儿良好的性格品德的养成    2
二、幼儿家庭玩具选择现状调查    2
   (一)家长关于玩具价值的看法    2
   (二)家长选购玩具的标准    3
   (三)家长购买玩具的时间选择和意愿选择    4
   (四)家长关于性别玩具的看法    4
   (五)幼儿玩具中自制玩具创作与使用状况    4
三、幼儿家庭玩具选择中存在的问题    5
   (一)家长对玩具的价值认识存在偏差    5
   (二)家长对玩具的安全隐患了解偏低    5
   (三)家长购买的玩具较多,制作的玩具较少    6
   (四)家长选择玩具时容易忽视幼儿的年龄特点    6
四、幼儿家庭玩具选择的建议    6
    (一) 幼儿家庭玩具选择要做到教育性与娱乐性并存    6
   (二)幼儿家庭玩具选择要充分考虑材料的安全性    6
   (三)幼儿家庭玩具选择要多尝试制作自制玩具    7
   (四)幼儿家庭玩具选择要符合幼儿年龄特点    7
参考文献    9
附录    10
致谢    13
玩具作为幼儿生活中最密不可分的伙伴,在促进幼儿身心健康发展中起着巨大的作用。[1]3-4岁的幼儿刚开始有具体形象思文且动作发展不完善,正确恰当的玩具选择可以更好地促进家长科学育儿,对幼儿身心健康发展有积极地促进作用。 3-4岁幼儿家庭玩具选择现状研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_14055.html