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时间:2022-07-21 22:25来源:毕业论文



Studies on the Current Situation of the Development of Chinese Traditional Culture Education Activities in a Kindergarten of Puyang City

Abstract:The Chinese traditional culture education is the essence of our traditional culture, it also plays a significant role in our national education at this stage,whose development in kindergarten is widely popular in recent years。Carrying out a series of Chinese traditional culture education activities in kindergarten would be helpful for children to learn something later and to have a good command of  other knowledge。This paper take a kindergarten of Puyang city as an example,we analyze the current situation and some problems of the development of Chinese traditional culture education activities in this kindergarten through observations,interviews and documentary research method,。The problems such as goal-setting is not implement , activities and methods are simple, the evaluation method is imperfect and the like。We then analyze the reasons and put forward reasonable and effective suggestion on this basis,hoping this study will provide some references for the development of Chinese traditional culture education activities in kindergarten。

Key words: Kindergarten Chinese traditional culture education; Educational activities;

Present situation 

目 录

摘要 1

Abstract。 1

一、相关概念界定 2

(一)国学 2

    (二)国学教育 2

    (三)国学教育活动 2

二、该幼儿园国学教育活动开展的现状 2

(一)活动目标 2

(二)活动内容 3

(三)活动方法 3

 (四) 评价方式 4

三、该幼儿园开展国学教育活动过程中出现的问题及原因分析 4

(一)在开展过程中出现的问题 4

(二)在开展过程中出现问题的原因 5

四、相应的解决措施 5

(一)园长应积极落实活动目标 5

(二)选择符合儿童年龄特征的教材 6

(三)教师的教学方法应多样化 6

(四)教师的评价方式应多样化 8

参考文献 9

附录I 10

附录II 11

致谢 12

濮阳市某幼儿园国学教育活动开展现状的研究 濮阳市某幼儿园国学教育活动开展现状的研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_96794.html
