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时间:2018-05-08 22:17来源:毕业论文

A Case Study of Psychological Problems and Education Intervention in Divorced single-parent Family
    Abstract:With the development of society and the emergence of people's persified concepts. The rate of porce in our country is rising continuously. So the number of kids who live in porced single-parent families is greater and greater day by day, which brings severe challenge to school and family education. The psychological developments of pupils who live in porced single-parent families are in basic stage of their growing process. If the pupils have no suitable education, many problems must emerge, even they will go into the road of criminal. We found that emotion, learning, the relationship, personal development and adaptive conditions have different problems by using the method of case study. The origin of the problems consists in undesirable grandparents, the conflict of parents, the bad relationship between parents and kids. In addition the negative effects of school education and social education also affect kids' growing process. To solve the problems, we have taken some measures, for example, we will pay more attention to kids with our eyes, love kids with heart, help kids success with encouragement. After interposed the case patiently, the effects are good.
Key words: Divorced single-parent family; Pupil; Psychological problems; Education intervention; Case study
目  录
摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、离异单亲家庭的概念    2
二、离异单亲家庭小学生心理问题的研究现状与意义    2
(一)研究现状    2
(二)研究意义    3
三、个案的基本情况与心理发展现状    3
(一)个案的基本情况    3
(二)个案的心理发展现状    4
四、个案心理问题的原因分析    4
(一)家庭环境的影响    4
(二)学校教育的影响    5
(三)社会负面效应的影响    6
五、个案干预措施    6
(一)用眼睛关注孩子    6
(二)用心灵关爱孩子    6
(三)用鼓励成就孩子    7
(四)用合力发展孩子    7
优尔、个案干预成效    7
七、反思    7
参考文献    8
附录I    9
附录II    10
致谢    11
随着社会发展和人们多元化观念的出现,离婚率不断增高,根据我国民政部门的相关数据显示,从1985年到1995年我国离婚率翻了一番,从1995到2005年,离婚率又上升了两倍,近年来离婚率以每年10%左右的速度增长。而且,现有家庭潜在的离婚势头还在增长,必然导致离异单亲家庭孩子的数量日益增加,这对家庭教育、学校教育工作带来了严峻的挑战。在我国,离婚发生率较高的年龄在30岁左右,此时正是孩子接受小学教育的阶段,[1]年龄通常比较小,这一阶段是儿童智力、个性和社会性发展的重要阶段,能否得到较好的教育将严重影响其未来的发展。因此,探讨离异单亲家庭小学生心理问题与教育干预是一个很有价值的课题。 离异单亲家庭小学生心理问题与教育干预的个案研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_15213.html