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时间:2023-04-06 10:14来源:毕业论文

摘    要小学生容易对偶像产生崇拜感,不同的崇拜对象会对学生的发展产生不同的影响。本文对36名小学生进行了访谈。访谈结果显示,小学生偶像崇拜存在以下几个问题:崇拜对象结构不够合理,明星所占比重大,传统榜样人物少;对偶像了解不全,不能正确对待他人对偶像的评价;选择偶像以自主选择为主,缺乏与成人的交流、指导;偶像信息来源单一,明星崇拜方式缺乏一定的理智。这些崇拜过程中出现的问题主要是由于小学生自身存在的不足、家庭、学校以及社会多方面影响造成的。针对这四方面的原因提出以下几点措施:学生须提高自我教育的能力:正确认识偶像崇拜,主动与成人沟通交流,并进行广泛的阅读,树立正确的消费观;家长须改善家庭教育:改正偏颇的教育观念,在交流中引导孩子们偶像崇拜,营造和谐宽松的家庭氛围;学校须改进教育:改善传统的榜样教育,加强教师的引导,拓宽学生的了解途径,加强校园文化建设;社会须优化环境:增强大众传媒的责任感,加强监督、规范公众人物的言行,提供场地、鼓励学生参与社会实践。88245

毕业论文关键词:小学生: 偶像崇拜; 问题

Abstract Pupils have easy to idol worship。 Worship of different objects will have different impact on the development of students。 In this paper, 36 primary school students were interviewed。 The results showed that pupils idolatrous worship has the following problems: worship object structure is not reasonable, the star of the proportion of major, less traditional role models; know about idol is not complete, can not correctly treat others opinion of idols; choose idol is given priority to with independent choice, the lack of communication with adults´s guidance; the idol information source is single, star worship lack of some sanity。 These worship mainly caused by the primary school students own existence insufficiency, families, schools and social factors。 In view of these four reasons, the following measures are put forward: Students need to improve the ability of self education: correct understanding of idol worship, active communication with adults, extensive reading, establish a correct view of consumption; Parents need to improve family education: to correct the biased educational concept, to guide the children in the exchange of idol worship, and create a harmonious and relaxed atmosphere of the family; Schools need to improve education: to improve the traditional model of education, to strengthen the teachers' guidance, broaden the students understanding of the way, strengthen the construction of campus culture; Social need to optimize the environment: enhance the sense of responsibility of the public media, mass media supervision, standardize public figure's words and deeds, provide venues, encourage students to participate in social practice。

Keyword:  pupil; idolatry; problems

目    录

摘    要 2

Abstract 3

一、引言 1

二、研究方法 1

(一)调查方法 1

(二)调查范围、对象 1

三、调查结果源-于,优W尔Y论L文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766与分析 1

(一)小学生偶像崇拜的普遍性与稳定性 1

(二)小学生偶像崇拜的特征 2

1、多数学生对“偶像”一词赋予较深层的含义 小学生偶像崇拜研究基于36名学生的调研访谈:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_156925.html
