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时间:2023-04-15 15:24来源:毕业论文

摘    要为了了解当前小学家长教育资源开发与利用的情况,本研究选用问卷调查法和访谈法对杭州市两所小学的90位教师和300位家长进行调查研究。结果表明当前小学家长教育资源开发与利用的过程中还存在着家校沟通不畅导致家长无法及时了解学校活动信息、学校和班级活动缺少新意调动不起家长参与的积极性、家长的主客观原因导致在学校和班级活动中参与度不高、学校和教师对家长教育资源缺乏有效评价造成家长参与的后劲不足等问题,并针对性地提出如下建议:建立家长教育资源库,为长效开发做准备;开展亲子趣味活动,吸引家长广泛参与;学生参与评价家长,及时表彰优秀家长志愿者;完善家委会组织体系,明确家长责任义务;开设家长教育培训,提高家长教育能力。88384

毕业论文关键词:小学; 家长教育资源; 开发与利用

Abstract In order to know the current situation of development and utilization of parent education resource in primary school, 90 teachers and 300 parents of two primary schools in Hangzhou were investigated in this study by using questionnaires and interviews。 The results showed that the process of current elementary parent education resource development and utilization was still had such problems: poor home-school communication lead to parents cannot get information about school activities on time; school and class activities lacked of new ideas to mobilize the active participation of parents; parents’ subjective and objective reasons lead to their poor participation in school and class activities; school and teachers lacked of effective evaluation about parent education resource leading to parents involvement lack of stamina。 To solve these problems,this study also puts forward some feasible suggestions including establish a parent education resource library to prepare for a long-term development, develop interesting parent-child activities to attract broad participation of parents, students should be involved in the evaluation of parents and school should commend outstanding parent volunteers timely, improve the parents committee organization system to clear parental responsibilities and obligations, and open the parents education training to improve parenting skills。

Keyword: Primary School; Parent Education Resource; Development and Utilization

目    录

一、研究背景 4

(一)问题的提出 4

(二)研究现状 2

1、国外研究现状 2

2、国内研究现状 4

二、研究目的与意义 5

(一)研究目的 5

(二)研究意义 6

1、理论意义 6

2、实践意义 6

三、概念界定 7

(一)教育资源 7

(二)家长教育资源 7

四、研究对象与方法 8

(一)研究对象 8

(二)研究方法 9

1、文献 9

2、问卷调查法 9

3、访谈法 9

五、调查结果与分析 9

(一)调查对象的基本情况 小学家长教育资源开发与利用的调查研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_159964.html
