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时间:2023-06-03 10:27来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Since 1994, Nantong teacher Li Jilin created the situation education first, soon the situation of education in the country is popular among the various disciplines and application of situational teaching primary school gradually extensive, originally the abstract science teaching situation due to be added vitality, helping schools to construct knowledge。 In this paper, the construction of situational teaching in primary school under the principle of mathematics, students study mathematics knowledge construction mechanism through the situation, further study in the perspective of Constructivism situational education primary school mathematics classroom。 According to the theory of pedagogy and educational psychology, this paper explores the deep theoretical support of situational teaching, finds out the relevant basis, and deeply explores the application of situational education in primary school mathematics。 Based on the above, pointed out that the current teaching in the first stage and the second stage of mathematics teachers due to the misunderstanding caused by imperfect understanding of situational teaching, the current situation of mathematics teaching problems in primary school learn through interviews, according to the excellent lesson summarized experience in the context of excellent teachers in mathematics classroom, and put forward the effective strategies of。

Keywords:Elementary mathematics,Situational Teaching,Effective situation

目 录

1 前言 4

1。1 背景与内涵 4

1。2 国内外研究状况 6

1。3 研究方法 7

1。4 理论基础 7

2 情境对小学生构建数学知识的意义 8

3 情境教育在小学数学课堂中的应用存在的问题分析 9

3。1 对情境教育理论理解源Y于U优I尔O论P文W网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201-8766 不够深入 9

3。2 片面追求情境教育 9

4 构建有效情境促进改善小学数学课堂教学的策略 10

4。1 利用角色效应,构建有效情境 10

4。2 利用第一信号系统和第二信号系统之间的联系构建情境 11

4。3 探索情境能有效建构知识 11

结论 12

参考文献 13

1 前言


在如今的实际教学中,小学数学教师已经接受了情境教学的理念,但有些小学数学老师仅仅关注是否创造情境,却鲜少关注情境是否真的助于孩子建构知识。来自优Q尔W论E文R网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ75201.8766

这些年来,人们越来越关注认知心理学的一个重要部分——建构主义在教育学范围的应用[1]。与传统学习理论对比,建构主义学习观觉得知识学习该当是乐观向上的、具有建构意义的学习,学生在学习时的基础是已有的知识和经验,主动地将新知识与已有的旧知识相互融会贯通,从而将其转化为新的认知结构。越来越多的国内外学者基于不同视角,运用多种方法,审视与反思当前小学数学的课堂上的建构,提出众多结论及对策。本研究通过对国内现有文献的梳理与整合,扼要的分析了此现象的背景与内涵,研究方法与视角,主题与结论,对如何进一步培养小学生良好的数学学习习惯进行深层次的展望。自1994年到2017年的研究结果发现,虽然目前的形式大力提倡建构主义视角下的情境教学,但是在应用上,有很多教师对于情境教学还是停留在表面,理解上误区反映在现实的课堂中导致了一些教学上的失误,没有将情境教学的好处切实的体现出来[2]。论文网 情境小学数学活力课堂的隐形翅膀:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_173147.html
