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时间:2023-07-12 21:52来源:毕业论文

摘    要幼儿在成长过程中总少不了玩具,玩具已经成为幼儿发展的重要玩伴。玩具不仅能够为幼儿带来快乐,还能发展幼儿的思维、认知等方面的能力。很多家长都已经意识到玩具对幼儿发展的重要性,但玩具的种类繁多,功能复杂。本研究利用问卷法及文献研究法针对幼儿家长对玩具选择的现状进行分析,从中提取出有效的信息,从而为幼儿家长提出一些建议。89326



毕业论文关键词: 幼儿; 家长; 玩具的选择; 教育建议

Abstract Childrens’ growing process cannot dispense with the toys which is the important partners for kids。Toys can not only bring happiness for children,still can develop young children’s thinking and cognitive ability。So many parents have realized the importance of toys for children development,but there are many types and complex functions in toys。 In order to know the actuality of infants,parents how to choose playthings and how playthings are used,the researeh methods adopt questionnaire and literature method。I will extract effective information,puts forward some proposals for children’s parents。源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766

According to the status quo of toy selection and found that parents choose and buy toys to the be fond of of children and the choice of educational toys, began to value with homemade toys and for education, pay more attention to the safety of toys, can choose according to children's sex toys, but also focus on the present popular toys。For the above situation, this paper puts forward some Suggestions: 

Don't blindly follow the be fond of of children choose toys; The right amount of toys for children; Attaches great importance to the role of education and homemade toys company。

Keyword: Children; Parents; The choice of the toys。 Education advice


一、绪论 6

(一)研究目的 6

(二)研究意义 6

1。玩具可以促进幼儿游戏的发生和发展 6

2。家庭中玩具的存在能够促进亲子间的关系 7

(三)研究方法 7

1。研究对象 7

2。测量工具 7

二、调查现状与分析 8

(一)以幼儿兴趣为主要目的 8

(二)益智类玩具所占比重较高 9

(三)重视陪伴的作用 10

(四)为孩子制作玩具 11

三、影响幼儿家长玩具选择的因素 12

(一)玩具的安全性影响玩具的选择 12

(二)幼儿性别差异影响着玩具的选择 13

(三)当下流行的玩具影响着玩具的选择 15

四、如何为孩子选择玩具 15

(一)切勿盲目跟随孩子的喜好 幼儿家长对玩具选择的调查研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_184655.html
