摘 要本研究根据有关自我调节学习的理论,并参考了许多前人编制的有关问卷、量表,自编出了“高年级小学生自我调节学习能力问卷”。运用自我调节学习能力问卷以及个案访谈法调查研究了杭州市某小学高年级学生自我调节学习能力的现状,并运用spass17。0对所得数据进行了相关分析、方差分析等定量分析,以揭示高年级小学生自我调节学习能力的发展特点。研究共得出以下结论:(1)改编后的自我调节学习问卷,具有较好的信度,各项目鉴别力良好。 (2)高年级小学生的自我调节学习能力存在显著的性别差异,并且男生的能力明显比女生弱。(3)不同年级的学生在自我调节学习各维度及总分上存在显著差异,但在动机和社会环境维度上没有显著差异。(4)高年级小学生的自我调节学习能力与学业成绩显著相关。90306
毕业论文关键词:高年级小学生; 自我调节学习
Abstract This investigation is based on the theories concerning about self-regulated learning, and reference to the questionnaires and scales by the previous, then it comes into the "high period of Primary School Students’ability of self-regulated learning questionnaire"。 Taking the use of self-regulated learning questionnaire and interview study the ability of high section of a primary school in Hangzhou ,and analyse the data by spass17。0 to show the characteristics of the development of the self-regulated learning ability。 The following conclusions is from the study: (1) The self-regulated learning questionnaire adapted by me has good reliability and every project’s guesstimate is fine。 (2) High-grade pupils’ability of self-regulated learning exist significant differences in sex, and the ability of girl’s is always better than the boy’s。 (3) Different grades of students’self-regulated learning ability have significant differences , but there’s no significant difference in motivation and social environment dimensions。 (4) High school students’ self-regulated learning is significantly correlated to their score。
The purpose of this study is to understand the characteristics of the high grade of elementary school students’ self-regulated learning ability; understanding the main problems with pupils in the development of self-regulated learning;exploring effective suggestions to teachers and students。
Key Words:high period of pupils; Self- Regulated learning
1。 问题的提出 6
1。1。 研究的意义 6
1。2 概念的界定 7
1。2。1 自我调节的概念 7
1。2。2 自我调节学习的概念 7
1。3。1 自我调节学习的理论观点 8
1。3。2 自我调节学习的影响因素 10
2.研究对象与研究方法 12
2。1 研究对象 12
2。2 研究方法 高段小学生自我调节学习能力现状的研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_196185.html