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时间:2023-10-25 22:37来源:毕业论文

摘要:成功的课堂离不开教师的精心备课,丰富的专业知识,大方得体的教 态,更离不开学生的配合,可见,师生互动是很有必要的。“举手发言”作为 师生互动最主要的手段和途径是很重要的,教师可以通过举手这一现象来了解 自己教学预设是否科学合理,学生学习的主动性也可以通过举手现象体现出 来。然而在现在的课堂教学中,学生们越来越“珍惜”自己的双手,舍不得把 它举出来,特别是在小学高年段这个现象尤为明显。学生不配合,教师的教学 工作就不能顺利进行,由此而得到的教学效果也不显著。这个问题引发了许多 思考。 由此我对小学高年段学生展开了问卷调查,查找他们课堂“不举手”的 原因,并结合对教师的采访提出一些可行且实际有意义的意见。90587


Absrtact: The success of the classroom cannot do without the teacher's careful preparation, rich professional knowledge, teach state decent, with more students cannot do without visible, teacher-student interaction is very necessary。 "Speak" as the main means of teacher-student interaction and the way is very important, teachers can raise the the phenomenon of presupposition to understand their teaching is scientific and reasonable, students' learning initiative can be reflected by the phenomenon in the hands。 But now in the classroom teaching, students are more cherish their own hands, reluctant to lift it out, especially in higher grades of primary school students with this phenomenon。 Teachers, teachingDo not go smoothly, and thus the teaching effect is not significant。 This problem has caused a lot of thinking。 Thus I students of higher grades of primary school carried out a questionnaire survey, their classroom "raised" to find out, and combined with the interviews with teachers and put forward some feasible and practical advice。

Keywords: elementary school great section, classroom raise hand, solution strategy

1 小学生课堂“举手”的意义 3

1。1 举手发言是学生有自信心的表现 3

1。2 举手发言是学生享受学习权利的表现 3

1。3 举手发言是学生遵守规章制度的表现 3

1。4 举手发言是学生锻炼自己的需要 3

2 设计问卷调及所呈现的问题 3

2。1 问卷调查背景 3

2。2 问卷调查时间 4

2。3 问卷调查对象及范围 4

2。4 问卷调查结果 4

2。5 小学生课堂“举手”现状及问题 5

3 小学生课堂“不举手”原因分析 6

3。1 从学生角度进行原因分析 6

3。2 从教师角度进行原因分析 小学生课堂举手问题现象解决策略及建议:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_197830.html
