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时间:2018-09-17 15:42来源:毕业论文

摘要:随着国家对教育事业的重视及相关教育政策的出台,我国的教育事业朝着更高水平、更高质量的方向发展。为了进一步深化教师教育改革,整体提升教师队伍的培养质量,建设一批高素质、专业化的教师人才,有效地推进师范类人才培养模式改革,促进教师教育专业职前职后的一体化建设,推进高等院校师范教育专业与基础教育的深度融合,教育部于2010年启动了卓越人才培养计划。我省教育部门也进行了相关的教育改革,并出台了相应的文件。师范学院在学习省级教育改革文件的同时,制定了针对地区的市教师教育改革创新实验区“卓越教师”培养方案。本文以师院的“卓越教师培训”项目为例,进行研究、探讨,深入分析其实效性。 28294
 Effectiveness of "excellent teacher" training
Excellent teacher training -- Taking  Normal University as an example
Abstract:with the national emphasis on education, education and related policies, the education of our country towards a higher level, higher quality development. In order to further deepen the reform of teacher education training, enhance the overall quality of teachers, the construction of a number of high-quality, professional teachers, effectively promote teacher training mode reform, promote the integration of the construction ofvocational teacher education professional pre service, promote the integration of teacher education major in Colleges and universities and basic education in depth, the Ministry of education in 2010 launched a plan of cultivating excellent talents. I have also been related to the Provincial Education Department of education reform, and the introduction of therelevant documents.  Normal University in the study of provincial education reformdocuments at the same time, developed for the  area of  City, teacher education reform and innovation of "excellent teacher" training program in experimentation area. In this paper,  Teachers College "excellent teacher training" project as an example, study, study, in-depth analysis of its effectiveness.
Key words: excellent teachers; training; effectiveness 
目    录
摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、卓越教师人才选拔培养标准    3
二、卓越教师人才培养目标    4
三、卓越教师人才培养规格    4
四、卓越教师人才培养模式    5
(一)自主发展的培养模式    5
(二)“互动型”的教育模式    5
参考文献    6
致  谢    7
我国目前的大多数师范院校在培养师范生时目标定位就比较偏低,师范生在修完所规定课程的学分后,通过所学的各科考试,毕业时即可自动获得教师资格证,而可以从事教学岗位,这对师范生的专业素养要求并不是很高,培养出来的教师虽基本能满足低水平教育的需求,但是整体质量不高,教学效果也可想而知,“卓越教师计划”在这种严峻的形式下应运而生。“卓越教师培养计划”在培训卓越教师的同时,不仅把此培训当成计划在实施,同时作为教育的宗旨来贯彻。师范学院在“卓越教师培训计划”中结合教师的发展规律,教师职业的特点以及相关经验的基础上,就卓越教师的职业前培养目标、课程、培养模式等三个关键方面对师范生进行全面、系统、规范的教师培训。 “卓越教师”培养的实效性:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_23082.html