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时间:2018-09-12 09:30来源:毕业论文

[毕业论文关键词]新课改实效性 高中思想政治课教学 基础教育投资 政治教师培训 教学评价体系
Reflection on the effectiveness of the new curriculum reform in the ideological and political teaching of high school and the countermeasures for improvement
The Idealogical and political education  Class 11Grade 11  Xu Baoxia
[Abstract]New curriculum reform has been implemented for 15 years, but the effectiveness is still worrying. The insufficient effectiveness in the ideological and political teaching of high school in the context of the new curriculum reform has many prominent performances, for example, the cooperative learning focuses on the form; the curriculum implementation is inadequate; the “guidance” of teachers is not in time, and the student “subject” is lack of efficiency. The weak effectiveness of political teaching in high school mainly due to the reality of China’s basic education, the defects of the new curriculum reform itself, and the real resistances in curriculum implementation, and so on. To improve the effectiveness of the new curriculum reform should pay attention to the timely correction, improvement and increase of the new curriculum reform’s adaptability; expansion of investments in basic education, the implementation of teaching in small classes; strengthening of political teacher training, adaptation of the new curriculum’s requirements; perfection of teaching evaluation system, testing of the effectiveness of the new curriculum’s implementation. There are four countermeasures for improving the effectiveness of the new curriculum reform.
[Key words] New curriculum reform  Ideological and political teaching of high school  Basic education investment  Political teacher training  The teaching evaluation system
[摘要]    1
一、新课改对高中思想政治课的要求与实效性不强的表现    1
(一)合作学习重形式,课程实施不到位    2
(二)教师“主导”不及时,学生“主体”没效率    2
(一)中国基础教育实际导致新课改进程缓慢    3
(二)新课改理念本身缺陷导致改革不全面    4
(三)新课改实施过程中的缺陷影响了新课改实效性的落实    5
三、提高高中政治课教学中新课改实效性的若干对策    5
(一)实时修正与完善,加大新课改的适应性    6
(二)扩大基础教育投资以实行小班教学    7
(三)加强政治教师培训、适应课程改革要求    7
(四)完善教学评价体系,检测新课改实施成效    8
2001年,新中国成立以来的第八次基础教育课程改革在中央、国务院的指导下像一阵春风般吹遍神州大地,范围之广、速度之快、难度之大都是前七次教育改革所不可比拟的。本次新课程改革是在世纪之交、素质教育已经取得一定进展、国际课程改革浪潮此起彼伏的背景下开展的,它将“一切为了每一个学生的发展”作为核心理念,力图实现学科本位、知识本位向以人为本、全面发展的历史性转折。 高中思想政治课教学中新课改实效性反思与改进对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_22964.html