The Research of designing and making in Junior school chemistry
——explore the conditions of iron rust
Abstract: Under the influence of blended learning and mobile learning, Micro class become the focus of education information resources construction in our country. The micro class depended on the characteristics of short and lean, can inject new vitality for learning chemistry, can make learners better for autonomous learning. This section imposed a tiny chemical lesson "to explore the condition of iron rust" as an example. through putting forward the teaching problems, importing the teaching case and designing teaching activities, this way can guide and inspire the students to carry on the inquiry-based learning. In the micro teaching, it emphasizes on the exploration of the experimental steps, highlights the inquiry-based leaning activities, and strives to cultivate learners' explorative thinking.
Keywords: Micro course; Junior school chemistry; Inquiry experiment
目 录
摘要 1
引言 1
Abstract 1
1微课概述 2
1.1微课的概念 2
1.2微课的制作方法 2
2 “探究铁生锈条件” 的微课教学设计 3
2.1分析教学内容 3
2.2分析学习者特征 4
2.3确定教学目标 4
2.4制定教学策略 4
2.5编写教案设计 5
3微课的实现 7
3.1课件的脚本设计 7
3.2微课的录制 9
3.2微课的编辑 11
结束语 12
参考文献 13
致谢 14
2004年,奥地利学者马丁•林德纳提出了微型学习理念,其宗旨是通过微型媒体终端来学习微内容。2008年,美国墨西哥州的高级教学设计师戴文•彭罗斯提出了“微课程”的概念,认为课堂几十分钟甚至几小时的内容可以压缩成60秒的“知识脉冲”。[1]2011年,广东省佛山市教育中心主任胡铁生首先提出了微课应用研究,并对微课下了定义。 初三化学录屏式微课的设计与制作研究以“探究铁生锈的条件”为例:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_23137.html