The Research on Optimization of Skills Training System for Private Kindergarten Teachers——Take Xiwang Education as an Example
Abstract:In recent years, in order to promote the maximum speed of pre-school education, the state continuously introduced the relevant laws and regulations, to protect the development of pre-school education. Private kindergarten has experienced a lot of reform, the country and the society have more requirements for the development of preschool teachers' skills. This paper takes the hope education of Sichuan Province as an example, through the analysis of the existing training system of the private kindergarten teachers, and studies the problem of the training system of the private educational institution.. In the process of investigation and feel teachers' professional identity sense is not high, kindergarten corresponding system is imperfect, training form pianku dry, without considering the teacher training needs. Through the case studies and analysis, develop the training of improving the skills of teachers, through the reform of the skills training system to meet the needs of each teacher. Effectively improve the level of teacher professionalization and education quality and effect. From the role of the teacher, to lifelong education, the main point of view, to achieve the kindergarten teacher skills training system optimization, become a learning organization.
Key Words:Kindergarten Teachers; Skills Training; Private Kindergarten
一.引言 1
(一) 研究背景和意义 1
1、 研究背景 1
2、 研究意义 1
(二) 研究内容和目的 1
1、 研究内容 1
2、 研究目的 2
(三) 研究现状 2
(四) 研究方法 4
1、 访谈法 5
二. 相关理论基础 6
(一). 民办幼儿园 6
(二). 教师专业技能和培训 6
(三). 终身教育 6
(四). 学习型组织 6
(五). 幼儿教师技能培训 7
三.案例分析 9
(一) 四川省峨眉山市希望教育简介 9
(二) 四川省峨眉山市希望教育培训现状 9
(三).四川省峨眉山市希望教育存在问题 10
1、 教师职业认同感不高 10
2、 考核制度与激励制度不完善 10
3、 培训实效性低 11
4、 形式不够多样化 11
5、 培训动机偏被动 11
(四).优化策略 12
1、 培训与制度接轨 12
2、 提升幼儿教师自身理念 12 民办幼儿园教师技能培训体系优化研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_23714.html