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时间:2019-04-04 19:33来源:毕业论文

 Primary School Class “Silence”Phenomenon Analysis and Countermeasures
Abstract:Students’classroom silence phenomenon in primary school,because of this,this article through classroom observation and interview method,observation of a primary school,class one grade five,all students of the class silence appearance in-depth research and analysis.find that students in the class “silence” phenomenon:Inattention in class,not communicate with other,not exprression their thoughts.not to join the learning activities,etc.And from the angles of the teachers and students cause analysis,in view of the students’ learning habites and learning characteristic,and put forword reasonable design from the perapective of the teachers’ teaching contents.carefully designed problems.Appreciate the students correct evaluation.Establish a harmonious relationship between teachers and students relaxed class atmosphere,the corresponding countermeasures to break the students of this kind of phenomenon of the class silence,to promote students’ activite leaning.
Keywords:primary school;classroom silence;countermeasures
 目  录

摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、课堂沉默的含义    2
二、小学课堂“沉默”现象的表现    2
(一)上课注意力不集中    2
(二)表情漠然,不参与学习活动    2
(三)不开口发言    2
三、小学课堂“沉默”现象的成因    3
(一)从教师方面分析    3
(二)从学生方面分析    4
四、改善小学课堂“沉默”现象的对策    5
(一)合理设计教学内容,精心设计问题    5
(二)赏识学生,正确评价    6
 (三)建立融洽的师生关系    7
(四)营造和谐,轻松的课堂氛围    7
参考文献    8
致谢    9
“课堂沉默”现象在小学课堂上屡见不鲜。课堂沉默现象可能是学生思考问题时所变现出来的沉默,也可能是学生上课时走神的沉默,学生课堂沉默可能是学生出于对教师的尊重,也可能是出于对教师的蔑视,敌意和冷漠,对教师权利的认同或者是无声的反抗[1]。在课堂教学中,学生针对教师教学的每一环节都保持沉默,不想或不敢表达自己的想法,久而久之,这样的同学可能被“边缘化”,对其学习成绩的影响极大;其次,朗读水平下滑,不善交际,将会严重抑制学生的健康成长。[2] 鉴于此,本人考虑采用观察法,访谈法及个案分析法将李灵希望小学五年级一班学生作为观察对象进行观察,找出有这样行为的学生,针对该生进行分析研究,找出一些可行的办法努力打破这种现象,让学生动脑思考,考敢于发言,敢于表达自己的想法,让小学课堂充满生机与活力! 小学课堂“沉默”现象分析及对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_31633.html