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时间:2019-05-04 19:37来源:毕业论文

The Study of the Acts of Violation of Discipline in the Classroom of High Grade Primary School
Abstract: Good classroom discipline is the premise to ensure efficient classroom effect. Compared to low grade, high grade primary school students’ self-control have greatly improved, but is still relatively limited, many fail to comply with classroom discipline behavior. Combining with the teaching practice of classroom observation and literature review of primary school, based on the connotation of the acts of violation of discipline in the classroom , found that the acts of violation of discipline in the classroom of high grade primary school  into the acts of violation of discipline in the classroom to themselves and the acts of violation of discipline in the classroom to others in , then analyzes the causes of the acts of violation of discipline in the classroom , finally proposed the solutions such as teacher prestige、reasonable discipline management of classroom、reasonable reward and punishment system、 teachers improve all kinds of skills and so on.
Keywords: High grade primary school; Acts of violation of discipline; Acts of violation of discipline in the classroom
目  录

摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、课堂违纪行为的概念    2
(一)纪律的概念    2
(二)学生课堂违纪行为的概念    2
二、 小学高年级段学生课堂违纪行为类型表现    2
(一) 指向自身的课堂违纪行为    3
(二) 指向他人的课堂违纪行为    3
三、小学高年级段学生课堂违纪行为的原因分析    4
(一)学生自身的特点    5
(二)教师本人的缺失    5
(三)环境方面的影响    6
四、解决小学高年级段学生课堂违纪行为的有效建议    7
(一)教师树立威信    7
(二)制定合理课堂纪律管理制度    7
(三)合理奖罚    8
(四)教师要提高自身素养    8
参考文献    9
致谢    10

良好的纪律是文持良好的课堂秩序的前提和保证,那么学生什么样的行为是违纪行为呢,判断学生的行为是否是违纪行为首先就必须对“纪律"有一个科学的界定。 小学高年级段学生课堂违纪行为研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_32939.html