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时间:2019-05-15 13:14来源:毕业论文

The Situation in Lacking Main Position of Children in Primary School for Chinese Reading Teaching and Strategies of Teaching
Abstract: Reading teaching is a very important part in Chinese teaching, and the main position of students is more necessary because of the background of new teaching reform. This research analyses the situation in Chinese reading teaching in the primary school by a documentary method, and finds the main position of children misses seriously in reading teaching, which are mainly three aspects, including the poor children's points, different methods of reading teaching, and the contents of reading teaching for adults. Based on this situation, this paper discusses four specific strategies of teaching from teachers' views, including creating the concept of children's main position, creating the situation of teaching, choosing the correct methods of reading teaching, reconstituting the connection between the materials of reading teaching and teachers from the view of children's main position, and envisaging the importance of particular reading teaching in reading teaching.
Key words: the main position of children, primary school, Chinese, teaching of reading.
目  录

摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、儿童本位对语文阅读教学的意义    2
(一)儿童本位的概念    2
(二)儿童本位对语文阅读教学的意义    2
二、小学语文阅读教学儿童本位缺失的表现    3
(一)儿童观念淡薄    4
(二)异化的阅读教学方法    4
(三)“成人化标准”的阅读教学内容    5
三、儿童为本的小学语文阅读教学对策    7
(一)树立儿童本位的理念    7
(二)创建情景教学,选择正确的阅读教学方法    8
(三)重构儿童本位视角下的阅读教学素材与教师的联系    9
(四)正视个性化阅读教学在阅读教学中的重要性    9
参考文献    11
致 谢    12
儿童时期是人一生中最重要的黄金时期,这个时期的儿童充满好奇心有丰富的想象力,但是缺乏自信希望得到认可,教师应充分认识到他们的特点,激发他们的学习积极性。以儿童为主体,为塑造完美人格而努力。所以,在小学语文阅读教学中应充分重视“儿童本位”的指导作用。 小学语文阅读教学儿童本位缺失表现及教学策略:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_33312.html