毕业论文关键词:班干部; 性别; 思考
The Present Situation of the Primary School Class Cadre Sex Ratio and Thinking
—the center elementary school of HanShiqiao
Abstract: Since the reform and opening up until now, the phenomenon of"patriarchal" has been eased, social status and level of education of women has been greatly improved, the concept of "gender equality" more and more popular. Today, there is a phenomenon at the primary more obvious of common class cadre girls than boys. This study used a sample survey and interviews for the classes of Hanshiqiao Primary School of the class cadre of boys and girls imbalance problems to investigate and found the existence of gender differences in terms of grade, subject, title, selection and more, the paper from the gender consciousness, educational evaluation approach leave gender-based and the gender of teachers to analyze the reason of the class cadre of gender imbalance. On this basis, from the perspective of "Save the Boys" and the community want to make people more aware of gender differences, create a team of gender-balanced class cadre;construction of a gender equality and harmonious learning environment and development space in the students.
Keywords: Class cadre; Gender; Thinking
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
一、调查目的 2
二、小学班干部性别比例的现状 2
(一)调查对象 2
(二)调查方法与内容 3
(三)调查结果 3
三、小学班干部性别比例失衡的原因分析 7
(一)社会性别意识 7
(二)教育评价方式的去性别化 7
(三)教师的性别因素 8
四、小学班干部性别比例失衡的思考 9
(一)关注“男孩危机” 9
(二)社会性别观念改变对教育的影响 9
参考文献 11
附录 12
致谢 13
的十优尔届四中全会把构建社会主义和谐社会放到突出位置,号召全不断提高构建社会主义和谐社会的能力。性别和谐是社会和谐的重要组成部分,是构建社会主义和谐社会和全面建设小康社会的重要指标之一。同时一个新时代的教育公平是社会公平的基础,而男女教育平等是教育公平最重要一个方面的。尤其在当前教育背景下,女孩在受教育权、学业成就等方面得到了普遍保障,在教育中的弱势地位已经得到了有效增强。在小学实习时班级里班长,纪律委员都是女孩,学习成绩好的也以女孩居多;男孩中调皮捣蛋的居多。在《拯救男孩》一书中作者认为现代的男孩有严重的学业危机,体质危机需要大家去关注去拯救。本文从小学中的班干部性别问题入手,思考班干部中性别问题。班干部中男生多还是女生多?班级中干部的性别结构是怎样的?为什么会出现这种情况?这样的情况会有什么后果?我们应该怎么办?一系列的问题出现在我的脑中促使我去进行这项调查,以找到问题的答案与对策。 小学班干部性别比例的现状与思考:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_33633.html