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时间:2020-12-11 19:42来源:毕业论文

摘  要:心理健康对我们每个人都十分重要,它奠定了人类社会生活、学习以及更好的投入工作的基础,是全面发展的重要构成要素。尤其是小学教师因其特殊性更为重要,他将对学生的一生产生重要影响。解决教师的不良心理问题,不仅仅只是改善自身,更会对学生健康心理的培养以至社会的稳定产生积极作用。60689



Abstract: Mental health is very important to everybody, it is the foundation of human life, study and work enthusiasm, is a comprehensive and healthy development of the important part of. Especially the primary school teacher is more important because of its particularity, he will have important impact to student's life. Solve the problem of teachers' mental health, not only to improve their own value of life, but also to the student growth and has a positive role in social stability and progress.

Teacher is a guide and a practitioner of students' mental health, teachers can only let themselves have healthy psychology of the students' psychological health level was improved. For a long time, however, teachers' psychological health problem ignored by the society and schools, this article carries on the analysis according to the case in real life, to our country all levels of teachers' mental health and the prevalence of mental problems to explore and research, a brief analysis of the causes of the problem, and to provide scientific advice and seek countermeasures, better to carry out the teachers' mental health education.

Keywords: Teacher’s mental health ,performance ,reasons, countermeasures.

目  录

引言 2

1.教师心理问题的主要表现 2

1.1严重的职业厌倦感 2

1.3严重缺失的自信心 4

2.影响教师心理健康的主要因素 4

2.1过大的压力 4

2.2过高的期望值和自我期待过于完美 5

2.3家庭的负担 6

3.教师心理健康的重要性和意义 6

4.教师心理问题的解决对策 8

4.1开展心理教育与心理咨询辅导 8

4.2政府举措 8

4.3社会理解 9

4.4学校重视 9

4.5自我调节 9

参考文献 10

致 谢 11


心理问题也称心理失衡,是正常心理活动中的局部异常状态,不存在心理状态的病理性变化,具有明显的偶发性和暂时性,常与一定的情境相联系,有一定的情景诱发。,脱离该情境,则个体的心理活动完全正常。对于心理问题可以有下面三种解释:第一,心理问题是指心理学中的问题,如身体是什么,身心关系,心理与实践等等。第二,心理问题是指心理学中研究的问题或心理学工作者研究的问题,如心理学研究的课题或者心理学研究者正在研究什么问题均属心理问题。第三,心理问题指人心理上产生的问题,如情绪消沉、焦虑、恐惧、人格障碍、变态心理等消极不良心理。心理问题不同于身体疾病,它是由人内在精神因素所引发的一系列问题,会间接的改变人的情绪性格,世界观价值观等等。 教师的心理问题研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_66223.html
