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时间:2019-08-07 12:45来源:毕业论文

Primary School Chinese Teachers in Classroom Teaching Exploration on the Problems of Excessive
Abstract: The teaching is excessively in the classroom instruction process the teacher explains excessively ,trains excessively ,creates the student in the classroom instruction the independent flaw education phenomenon .This phenomenon obviously and the current elementary school language new class sign proposed the classroom instruction must “take student’s development as this” the request violates The literature research indicated ,not only the teaching creates the school edition quality excessively the drop ,moreover has created elementary student’s one-sided development .Graduation fieldwork period ,the author collects the area workshop elementary school in ZhouKou City to the elementary school language classroom instruction observation discovery, the elementary school language teacher teaching main performance concentrates excessively for the teacher “the text” and the student main body vacancy ,the teacher teaching resources causes the effective teaching the lack of “nominal” .Investigates its origin ,has the teacher stratification plans question, also has the school and the guardian stratification plane question .therefore ,solves in the elementary student language teacher excessively teaching problem ,need to pay special attention to three aspects to work :The teacher must set up the overall teaching view ,develops the utilization language teaching resources reasonably, improves the teacher specialized quality.
 Keywords: Classroom teaching; Excessive Teaching; Moderate; Advice;
目  录

摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、过度教学及其危害    2
二、小学语文课堂过度教学的现状    2
(一)教师专注于“文本”和学生主体的缺位    2
(二)教师教学资源匮乏使有效教学“徒有虚名”    4
三、小学语文课堂教师过度教学的成因分析    6
(一)教师层面的问题    6
(二)学校和家长层面的问题    6
四、小学语文教师过度教学的改进    7
(一)教师要树立整体教学观    7
(二)合理开发运用语文教学资源    7
(三)提高教师专业素质    8
参考文献    8
致谢    9
过度教学是指在教育教学过程中,基本以教育者为教学设计、教学实施、教学评估的主体,而学生只是被动接受的客体,造成教师课堂教学过度讲解、过度训练,造成学生在课堂教学中主体性缺失的教育现象。这一现象显然与当前小学语文新课标提出的课堂教学必须“以学生的发展为本”“根据学生身心发展和语文学习的特点,积极倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式”的要求相违背。 小学语文教师课堂过度教学问题及消解对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_37166.html