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时间:2019-08-19 18:51来源:毕业论文

The Chinese Educational Reform Which Based on the Training of Students' Independent Learning Ability
Abstract: Under the new curriculum reform, the primary Chinese language teaching methods advocate students' independent learning ability, emphasize students' main body status, and make students take part in the teaching process actively. This new Chinese language teaching pattern in order to let kids become the constructors of knowledge and change the position of kids ,which stressing the kids' learning not the teachers' teaching. At the same time, the new curriculum model still has some disadvantages can not be ignored--students' independent learning ability is low on account of the teaching method, and the rigid cooperation model let students lose the main body status. The reason for this problem including two aspects, one is students' ability and another is teachers' professional quality. Therefor, the reform of Chinese classroom teaching in primary schools should transform the idea of teachers, play a guiding role of teachers, cultivate the autonomous learning ability and make class back to the real life and world.
Keywords: Primary Chinese language learning; Class room teaching; Students in primary school; Independent learning ability
目  录

摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、自主学习及重要性    2
(一)自主学习及其流变    2
(二)自主学习的重要性    3
二、语文教学中小学生自主学习能力的缺失    3
(一)“以教代学”导致学生自主学习能力低下    4
(二)合作参与形式化造成学生自主学习能力丧失    5
三、语文教学中小学生自主学习能力缺失的成因    5
(一)小学生自身因素    6
(二)教师专业素质低    6
四、培养小学生自主学习能力的语文教学改革    7
(一)转变教师观念,发挥教师的引导作用    7
(二)培养小学生的自主意识    7
(三)语文课堂回归小学生的生活世界    8
参考文献    9
致谢    10
《语文课程标准》指出:“全面提高学生的语文素养;正确把握语文教育的特点;积极倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式;努力建设开放而有活力的语文课程”[1]。自主学习不仅是新课程改革的一大理念,而且是语文学习的主要方法之一。语文是人文社会科学的一门重要学科,也是人们相互交流的重要工具,因此在语文教学中教师要注意人文性与工具性的统一,要做到这种统一必须要有学生的主动参与。小学生有着丰富的想象力、创造力,并有着较强的求知欲,他们有着比成人更强烈的探索发现的欲望。教师要抓住小学生的这一心理,有效的引导,来突出学生学习的主体性,让学生积极主动地参与到教学中来,从而经历知识的形成过程,成为知识的主动建构者,实现由教师的“教”向学生的“学”的转变,从而使学生寻找到适合自己的自主学习方法。 基于学生自主学习能力培养的小学语文教学改革:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_37930.html