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时间:2019-08-26 19:09来源:毕业论文

The cause and transformation of the primary school
English "poor student"
Abstract: poor student is refers to the students' intelligence levels normal and no sensory disorder, but significantly lower than his study class. They cannot achieve expected learning requirements of students. In the primary school English learning, mainly displays in English listening, speaking, reading, spelling and thinking ability to show the situation of insufficient. In this paper, through the observation, interview poor student of English in primary schools is analyzed Based on the case analysis in the form of a poor student of English in primary schools; think that the lack of interest in English, lack of parents' love and teachers' teaching level co. They are the main cause of the poor student. To convert the poor student, teachers need to respect, care for the poor student, need teachers according to their aptitude, strengthen inpidual counseling, needs the school, family, create a good learning environment.
Key words: poor student; English learning; Teachers' literacy
目 录

摘要    3
Abstract    3
一、小学英语“学困生”的概念及其转化的重要性    3
(一)小学英语“学困生”概念    3
(二)小学英语“学困生”转化的重要性    3
二、小学英语学困生的表现及成因    3
(一)小学英语学困生的表现    3
(二)小学英语学困生成因分析    3
三、小学英语学困生转化策略    3
(一)教师要尊重、关爱学困生    3
(二)教师要注重因材施教,加强个别辅导    3
(三)学校、家庭共同营造良好学习环境    3
参考文献    3
致谢    3
目前小学英语学困生在全国各地普遍存在,尤其是在师资力量薄弱的农村和贫困的偏远地区,小学英语学困生现象尤为严重。据调查,我国各地农村和偏远地区的小学英语学困生已超过30%,更令人担忧的是小学英语学困生的现象也在不断的发展蔓延。[1]如此严峻的现状,如果得不到有效的改善,后果将不堪设想。如今小学英语学困生的发展蔓延,已成为现代英语教育的主要病理和英语教育领域的重要问题。应引起我们教育工作者的高度重视与反思。小学是学习语言的最佳时期,英语作为世界使用最广泛的语言,是各国进行沟通、交流、合作的基本工具,其重要性可想而知。而英语课程又是比较难,学习起来很枯燥的科目,因此,会出现一些学困生,他们在智力上与其他学生并没有显著差异,只是找不到很好的学习方法或者是对英语的学习没一点兴趣。最终造成成绩很差,落后于其他同学。那么对学困生的管理教育就成为当前学校管理中十分棘手而又极为重要的内容之一。试图通过对河南省淮阳县西黄楼小学英语学困生课业负担状况的了解,以期达到窥一斑而见全豹的效果。 小学英语“学困生”的成因及转化:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_38273.html