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时间:2019-08-27 12:51来源:毕业论文

Research Strategies Intermediate children language skills training
--A kindergarten in Zhoukou Luyi Case Study
Abstract: Language is an important tool of human communication is the most important ideas of human form, in the form of thinking. Preschool is a critical period of language development of children, at this stage, not only an important part of children learning the language, but also their self-expression and thinking tool. During my internship, I found where children are mostly middle shift dare say that dare not speak the language of serious deprivation, and even the normal communication will be hampered. Therefore, this article will present situation through observation of the Intermediate children language skills training for investigation; the use of interviews on the impact of factors that hinder children's language skills analysis and research, the survey found, the creation of a single locale kindergarten teachers old concept of education, the family's language resources are scarce; Finally, based on these factors, on the Intermediate children's language skills training body dealing with the training strategy, hoping to in order to provide effective assistance to preschool workers.
Keywords: Intermediate language;Teacher;The language activities
目  录

摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、A幼儿园中班幼儿语言表达能力培养的现状研究    2
(一)中班语言表达能力培养的环境创设    2
(二)中班语言表达能力的培养目标    3
(三)中班语言表达能力培养的活动内容    3
(四)中班语言表达能力培养活动的组织形式    4
二、A幼儿园中班幼儿语言表达能力培养存在的问题及原因分析    5
(一)存在问题    5
(二)原因分析    6
三、促进中班幼儿语言表达能力培养的策略    8
(一)为幼儿创设多元化的语言环境    8
(二)加强教师自身对语言表达能力培养的认识    9
(三)将语言表达能力培养渗透在幼儿的一日生活中    9
(四)组织丰富多样的语言活动    10
(五)开办家长会活动,树立正确观念,提高培养意识    10
参考文献    11
附录I    12
附录II    13
致谢    15
重视幼儿语言表达能力的培养,是近年来众多教育者以及全社会共同关注的一个焦点。幼儿期是语言发展,特别是口语发展的重要时期。4—5岁的幼儿正处在发展中的一个转折期,有强烈表达的欲望。根据这个阶段幼儿的年龄特点,《3—6岁儿童学习与发展指南》中也提出4—5岁幼儿语言能力发展的目标为:喜欢与人交谈、交流,注意倾听并能理解对方的话,能清楚地说出自己想说的事,喜欢听故事、看图书等[1]。这种提议明显淡化了纯粹意义上只看重学前儿童语言形式学习的要求,强调在语言教育的过程中要重视幼儿的语言交际能力,在使用的过程中学习语言。以此来作为本次研究的基点。 中班幼儿语言表达能力培养策略的研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_38352.html