Investigation on the Present Situation of Infant Early Reading in Family
-- A in Kaifeng County kindergarten as an example
Abstract:In our country, the education of early reading is attracting more and more people’s attention. Many parents have recognized the importance of early reading for the development of their kids. Under the influence of various factors, however, there are lots of problems existing in the activities of early family reading, which directly affect the development of kids’ reading ability. Thus, through the questionnaire method and observational method, I made an investigation aimed at the middle class kids’ current state of early family reading of a kindergarten in Kaifeng County, This article shows the forms and content of middle class kid’s early family reading, the way how middle class kids’ parents guide their kids and the environment of middle class kids’ early family reading, and concludes the reasons from status duo. Based on these reasons, there are suggestions put forward for middle class kids’ early family reading.
Key Words:infant in the Middle class; early reading in family;parents
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract. 1
一、开封县A幼儿园中班幼儿家庭早期阅读现状调查 2
(一)中班幼儿家庭早期阅读形式 2
(二)中班幼儿家庭早期阅读内容 2
(三)中班幼儿家长指导幼儿阅读的方式 3
(四)中班幼儿家庭早期阅读的环境 4
二、开封县A幼儿园中班幼儿家庭早期阅读存在的问题及分析 4
(一)中班幼儿家长在早期阅读中参与频率低 4
(二)中班幼儿家庭早期阅读的内容不平衡 4
(三)中班幼儿家长指导幼儿阅读的方式欠妥 5
(四)中班幼儿家庭早期阅读的环境较差 5
三、促进中班幼儿家庭早期阅读的建议 5
(一)主动参与幼儿的自发性阅读活动 5
(二)选择合适的图书,丰富幼儿的知识 6
(三)加强幼儿家长早期阅读指导方式的培训 6
(四)创设良好的家庭阅读环境 6
参考文献 7
附录I 8
附录II 10
致谢 11
提起“早期阅读”,人们往往会把它与识字联系在一起。其实早期阅读的范围是很宽泛的。北师大教育系的刘炎教授认为:早期阅读是婴幼儿凭色彩、图像和成人的言语以及文字来理解以图为主的低幼儿童读物的所有活动。例如用手指一页一页地翻书;从画面中发现事物的变化,将之串联起来了解故事中的各种关系和情节;讲述画面内容,或听成人读书中的故事等等,都是早期阅读活动。通过各种阅读活动,孩子会逐渐把字形、字音、字义结合起来,理解词句结构和词意神韵,使他们对文字得心应手,为以后的学习打下良好的基础。也就是说,所有有助于幼儿学习阅读的行为,我们都可以称之为阅读。语言发展的关键期是0—6岁。著名幼儿教育理论家和实践家蒙台梭利也提出, 0到5岁的幼儿处于语言敏感期,其中2岁时口语学习能力最强。因此,幼儿园和家庭要重视对幼儿进行早期阅读活动。 中班幼儿家庭早期阅读现状调查研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_38653.html