摘要: 现今中国语文课堂教学中存在诸多弊端,本文旨在通过对语文教学流程设计的本质及其发展历程展开探讨,由此思考如何改变中国语文课堂教学现状。通过探究中国古代大儒对教学流程设计的研究及近代西方对教学流程设计的思考,对比欧洲中学语文课堂教学所采用的教法与中国所实施的教学流程的设计的不同,从而思考出哪种教学流程设计是适合中国语文教学的最优化选择。最后通过对比分析得出魏书生的教法灵活适用、行之有效,是符合中国语文教学的最优化教学设计,且能从根本上改变中国现今语文课堂教学的低谷状况。40625
毕业论文关键词: 语文教学流程;教学设计;教学优化;课堂教学优尔步
The design and research of the school flow in the Chinese classroom
Abstract:Nowdays there exists many malpractices in the Classroom Teaching of the Chinese Language this article aimsto extendted the disscusson on the essence of Chinese Teaching process design and its dovelopment history ,and to consider how to change the actuality of Classroom Teaching of Chinese Language from it .By means of exploring the study of Teaching process design from China ancient confucianists,comparing to the difference between the teaching method adopted by Chinese Classroom Teaching of the Europen middle school and teaching process design carried out by China,consequently to come up wite which teaching process design is the optinized choice to the teaching of the Chinese Language.Findally it draws a condusion that the teaching method of mr we is flexible suitable and effective bu contrastive analysis,which is the optimized teaching design that fies the teaching of the Chinese Language and as well an change the low status of Chinese Language Teaching of China now.
Key Words: The flow of Chinese Teaching; Instructional design; Teaching
optimization; The six step classroom teaching
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、语文课堂教学流程设计的含义 2
(一)语文教学设计的内涵 2
(二)语文教学流程的本质 2
二、教学流程设计的历史演变 3
(一) 教学流程设计的发端 3
(二) 教学流程设计的嬗变 3
三、语文课堂教学流程设计的优化 4
(一)语文课堂教学流程优化的含义 4
(二)语文课堂教学流程的设计优化的方式 4
(三)关于语文课堂教学流程的设计之我见 6
参考文献 8
致谢 9
何为语文教学流程的设计?“所谓语文教学设计就是语文教师根据正确的教育思想和语文教育原理,按照一定的教学目的和要求,针对具体的教学对象和教材,对于语文教学的整个程序及其具体环节、总体结构及其有关层面所作出的预期的行之有效的策划。” [1]即语文教师针对学生及所学教材的教学目标和要求采取恰当的教法、设计符合教学相关层面要求的流程和环节,从而使学生学到应有的学科知识。“教学设计客观上受到语文教学目标、教材内容、教学对象和教学环境条件的制约;主观上,它又融合教师的个人作用,自觉不自觉地显现出自己个人的教育观念、教育科学理论修养和专业水平。它不可能也决不会是凭空想象的产物。”[1]
它不仅是科学,也是艺术。教学流程同样作为教学过程,展示了教学的过程与演变,反映了教学内部各部分之间的联系与区别。它是有规律的变化的,所以语文教师设计教学流程时应结合教材和以往教学经验,以便设计出行之有效的教学设计。 语文课堂教学流程的设计研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_39037.html