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时间:2019-11-22 21:46来源:毕业论文



Research about present situation of Children gender education for Parents in family

                     ———in Wuxi Ou Le Yuan

Abstract This paper is to study the status quo of gender education of parents to their children in the family education by using the social investigation method.The research roots in Ou Le Yuan in wuxi city,through the questionnaire survey of 120 households in the father or the mother's gender role schemata,gender role expectations of their children,related attitudes and behavior of the gender education and knowledge of sex education to gain relevant information.Using the SPSS software to analyze the survey data,it is concluded that the gender education of the parents to their children is with the characteristics of the rigid,but in some ways,their attitude and behavior have a tendency to cultivate children a double gender traits,and according to the investigation conclusion,there are some suggestions to parents,such as give children a double gender personality education,and establish the reasonable sex education by using reasonable sex education ideas.

key words: gender stereotype;  gender role expectation;  gender education

目  录

摘要 I

Abstract II

引言 1

文献回顾 1

(一)研究综述 1

(二)核心概念与相关理论 3

二  研究设计 4

(一)抽样方法 4

(二)资料收集过程 4

(三)样本的基本情况 5

三  父母的性别角色图式分析 5

四  父母对子女的性别教育情况分析 7

(一)父母对子女的性别教育态度情况分析 7

(二)父母对子女的性别教育行为情况分析 8

(三)父母对子女性别教育情况的总体分析 9

 (四)父母的性别角色图式与父母对子女性别教育的相关分析 10

五  父母对子女的性别角色期望分析 10

(一)父母对男孩和女孩的性别角色期望 10

(二)父母对孩子的性别角色期望 11

(三)父母对子女性别角色期望的总体分析 11

(四)父母的性别角色图式与父母对子女性别角色期望的相关分析 12

六  父母对子女的性知识教育情况分析 家庭教育中父母对子女的性别教育现状研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_42188.html
