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时间:2020-04-07 09:15来源:毕业论文


This paper based on the previous studies and the questionnaires survey to 164 junior middle school students in Jiaozuo city of Henan Province.Through the statistical data and interactive analysis methods to analyze the survey results, and  summarized the results.Through the study found that "Puppy love" in the junior high school students are more common currently.But compared with adults,"Puppy love"

is more pure.Their pursuit is mainly psychological comfort.And the junior middle school students will have their own thoughts about "puppy love".According to the survey results,I analyzed "puppy love" of junior middle school students by using the Freud spirit analysis theory, Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory ,“Person in situation"theory and other related theory.Thus to proved the rationality of the existence and inevitability of"Puppy love". In addition, I also conducted a survey for the development of adolescent love education demand for junior high school students.The results showed that the education in this respect had a big gap of junior middle school students and could not meet their demand.School social work is the effective way to fill this gap.Therefore, the author tries to use the social case work, group work and combined with the method of social work and the course of junior middle school students to intervene in "puppy love". In order to educate and guide junior middle school students about "puppy love",I proposed the feasibility of the scheme and the matters needing attention.

毕业论文关键词:初中生; 早恋; 学校社会工作; 个案工作; 小组工作

Key Words:Junior school student; Puppy love; School social work; Case work; Group work

目    录

一、引言 4

(一)问题的提出 4

(二)“早恋”概念的界定 4

二、初中生“早恋”的现状 5

(一)初中生“早恋”的特点 5

1.初中生恋爱现象普遍 5

2.“早恋”并不只是“差生”的专利 6

3.“早恋”≠性 7

(二)初中生对“早恋”的看法 9

1.“早恋”利弊“说不清” 学校社会工作视角下初中生“早恋”问题的成因及介入策略:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_49746.html
