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时间:2020-05-10 10:30来源:毕业论文



The Problems and Suggestions of Primary School Teachers in Classroom Management

--the primary school of Wenchang

Abstract: With the formation of classroom teaching, classroom management also become more and more important, it has a direct impact on the success or failure of classroom teaching. With the advance of the new curriculum reform, the new classroom management concept has brought new changes to the classroom management and teaching of primary, and put forward new requirements to the teachers. But in the teaching of basic education in our country, to maintain and control the traditional mode of classroom management is still widespread, and affect the quality of education and teaching seriously. To achieve positive and effective classroom management, this paper adopts questionnaire method of Zhoukou City Wenchang primary school teachers' classroom management present situation investigation and analysis, found that some of the problems, and puts forward the corresponding suggestions for improvement.

Keywords: Primary; Classroom management; Suggestions 

目 录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、课堂管理相关知识的叙述 2

(一)课堂管理的内涵 2

(二)有效的课堂管理的基本特征 3

二、小学教师课堂管理现状调查分析 3

(一)调查问卷的设计与结果分析 3

(二)小学教师课堂管理中存在的问题 5

三、优化小学教师课堂管理的建议 7

(一)更新教师自身的课堂管理理念 7

(二)采取多样化的课堂管理模式 7

(三)培养教师的反思意识 8

(四)努力创建和谐平等的师生关系 8

四、结论 9

参考文献 10

附录 11

致谢 14

小学教师在课堂管理中存在的问题及建议当前我国新课程教育改革正如火如荼的进行着,新课程对小学生的课堂生活更加关注,它要求我们注重培养小学生的自我学习能力,从生活的各个方面建设小学生的课堂生活,把小学生培养成为学习的主体、生活的主体和社会活动的主体[1]。因此教师作为教学活动的主要参与者,除了要运用各种教学方法促使学生掌握知识,提升能力,还要协调好老师与学生的关系,有效处理课堂中的各种不确定因素,进行科学高效的课堂管理。因此本文通过调查分析周口市文昌小学教师在课堂管理中存在的问题,给出相应的意见建议去优化课堂管理。以达到促进学生全面发展,实现积极有效的课堂管理目的。 小学教师在课堂管理中存在的问题及建议:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_51240.html
