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时间:2020-05-10 10:28来源:毕业论文



The Research on the Application of the Non-directive Teaching Model in the Upper Primary School’s Classroom Teaching of Chinese

--------In the lesson of young RunTu

Abstract: The non-directive teaching model is the direct application of the "human centered" non-directive counseling therapy in the field of education by Carl Rogers of the United States in 1960s. With the continuous development of modernization, traditional teaching methods have been difficult to meet the needs of the present teaching. As a new teaching concept, the concept of non-directive teaching arises at the historic moment. Firstly, this paper summarizes the connotation and characteristics of non-directive teaching model by documentary method and analyzes the meaning of the non-directive teaching pattern in the language classroom teaching of elementary school higher grades. Secondly, it designs the concrete application of non-directive teaching mode in the language classroom teaching by using case analysis, for example, the lesson of the young RunTu. Finally, the paper put forward nondirective teaching several problems that should pay attention to in the specific application. Thus, it is helpful to optimize the Chinese classroom teaching in the elementary school higher grades.

Keywords: Non-directive teaching model; The upper primary school; The Chinese classroom teaching

目  录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、非指导性教学模式的概述 2

(一)非指导性教学模式的内涵 2

(二)非指导性教学模式的特点 3

二、非指导性教学模式对小学高年级语文课堂教学的意义 4

(一)促进小学生语文实践能力的发展 4

(二)促进语文教学规范化与艺术化矛盾的解决 4

(三)促进小学语文高效课堂教学的形成 4

三、非指导性教学模式在小学高年级语文课堂教学中的具体应用 4

(一)提出真实性问题 5

(二)呈现学习材料 5

(三)合作探究 6

(四)整合评价 6

四、非指导性教学模式在小学高年级语文教学中的应用反思 7

(一)要注重人际关系和情感因素 8

(二)要注重教师应有的作用 8

(三)要注重教学内容对学生的适用性 8

参考文献 非指导性教学模式在小学高年级语文课堂教学中的应用研究《少年闰土》:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_51239.html
