Problems and Countermeasures in the Primary School Composition Comment
Abstract: The composition comment is a teacher’s written instruction view or evaluation to a student’s composition. Excellent composition comment can provide feedback to students’ writing timely, motivate student’s writing enthusiasm, and promote the communication between the teachers and the students. The author have found some problems in the pupils’ composition comment by document analysis and the analysis of the primary school teacher’s composition comment text in the education practice, such as formalized pupils’ composition comment, nonstandard language, separating between humanity and composition, as well as the problem of negative composition comment, The reason for these problem are because of the lack of teacher’s educational responsibility, awareness of the importance of writing reviews, and high writing ability. In order to improve the primary school teacher’s composition comment writing ability and make composition comment promote pupils’ composition writing ability, What we need to do is enhance primary school teacher’s educational responsibility, and we should strengthen the awareness of the importance of writing reviews and improve the writing ability of the composition comment.
Keywords: Elementary student; Composition comment; Teacher’s educational responsibility
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
一、作文评语的内涵与重要性 2
(一)作文评语 2
(二)作文评语的重要性 3
二、小学生作文评语撰写存在的问题 4
(一)雷同化或格式化 4
(二)语言使用不规范 5
(三)“人”、“文”脱离 6
(四)偏向否定、缺乏宽容 7
三、小学生作文评语撰写的改进建议 8
(一)提高教师教育的责任感 8
(二)提高教师对作文评语重要性的认识 8
(三)提高教师的作文评语撰写能力 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10
小学作文评语撰写存在的问题与对策近年来,小学作文教学日益受到人们的重视,教师在语文教学中注重小学生写作能力的提高以及写作兴趣的培养,然而,作文评语撰写作为小学作文教学的重要环节,却没有得到应有的关注。作文评语是教师与学生沟通的重要平台与媒介,教师通过作文评语向学生传递作文质量高低的信息,对学生作文的建议也需要通过作文评语来传达;好的作文评语可以提升激发小学生的写作兴趣,提升小学生学习的自信心,使他们以更大的热情投入到作文写作中去;作文评语还可以促进教师与学生之间的情感交流,帮助教师与学生建立友好的师生关系,促进学生个性的和谐发展。从当前的小学作文评语撰写现状来看,评语撰写存在着许多需要解决的问题,如评语空洞化、模式化、偏向否定以及语言不规范等等,这些问题的存在导致作文评改效率低下。为了更好地发挥作文评语对小学生写作能力的提升作用,探讨作文评语撰写的策略是非常有必要的。 小学作文评语撰写存在的问题对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_52865.html