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时间:2020-07-27 20:54来源:毕业论文




Abstract: With the smart tool and the use of a smart tool capabilities, it is the written word capacity is declining, particularly the widespread use of computers has become more serious. This has resulted in a number of questions: Do not regulate the "double-up" cause loss of vision, and even to the extent of affecting development; written carelessly, was widespread, and even to have a higher education students, the phenomenon, and that some teachers are also written is not neatly, as a student studying the example, will the students have psychological,; long-term use of the computer, so that it is the wrong field phenomenon occurs frequently, the billboards, store signs, TYPO, the magnitude of the problem is self-evident.

Specification field teaching to the teachers and students of the school. This document based on the Huaian City, southwest area of primary and secondary schools affected specification field the question of the teaching and an analysis of the causes, the teachers in normative field of teaching law students, and normative field of study of the law, as well as universal norms for primary and secondary students' sense, and talk about their own understanding and awareness. Designed to improve primary and secondary school students field specification writing level.

Keywords: Primary and secondary education, teaching and learning standard Chinese, meaning,

目 录

引言 4

1、 中小学规范字教学的教学策略 5

1.1培养学生规范字的学习兴趣 5

1.2规范中小学生写字的“双姿” 5

1.3利用联想教学法引导学生掌握基本笔画 6

 2.4 依据字形结构分类教学 6

 2.5利用多种评价手段提高学生的书写能力 7

2、 中小学规范字教学的学习策略 9

2.1端正规范书写的态度 9

2.2学会选择适合自己的书写工具、字帖进行规范字练习 9

 2.3在书写过程中做到“三到” 10

 2.4积极参加各种规范字竞赛 10

 2.5坚持长期有序地练习规范字 10

3、普及规范字教学的意义 12

 3.1规范字教学有利于训练学生的思维能力、激发想象力 12

 3.2规范字教学有利于学生学习习惯的养成 浅谈中小学规范字教与学策略:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_56969.html
