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时间:2020-08-23 18:02来源:毕业论文

摘 要:在终身教育理念的倡导下,教师继续教育已成为时代发展的要求,学前教育继续教育是落实终身教育理念和促进学前教育全面发展的重要途径。本文在对国内外学前教育继续教育现状研究的基础上,构建了以继续教育为核心,以“网络课程+专业实训+教育研究+社会服务”为主要内容的教育网站服务平台。该服务平台将是集教学资源共建共享、教学过程个性化定制、教学效果探讨与交流等功能于一体的可持续发展的服务体系,不仅能满足学前教育专业的基础建设和继续教育人员的教育需求,还能凸显高等职业教育和师范教育的双重特色,从而提升学前教育专业的人才培养质量,最终促进学前教育事业的健康、协调、可持续发展。54683


Abstract:In advocating the concept of lifelong education, teachers’ continuing education has become the requirements of the time. Preschool teachers’ continuing education is the important way to implement the concept of lifelong education and to promote the development of pre-school education comprehensively. In this paper, based on the current situation at home and abroad continue to preschool education research, the education service platform takes the continuing education as the core and takes the "network course + professional training and education research and social service" as the main content of construction. The service platform will be a set of teaching resources sharing, teaching process personalization, teaching effect discussion and communication and other functions in the integration of the service system of sustainable development. It not only meets the basic construction of preschool education professional and continuing education of staff education demand, but also highlights the double characteristics of higher occupation education and teacher education, thus enhances the quality of preschool education professional personnel training, and finally promotes the health of preschool education, coordinated and sustainable development.

Keywords:pre-school education, continuing education, pre-school teacher , construct

目   录

1  引言 4

1.1  选题缘由 4

1.2  研究意义 4

2  国内外学前教育继续教育的发展现状 5

2.1  国外学前教育继续教育的研究 5

2.2  国内学前教育继续教育的研究 5

2.3  学前教育继续教育网的发展现状 6

3  学前教育继续教育网的建构 7

3.1  专业标准 8

3.2  网络课程 8

3.3  专业实训 10

3.4  教育研究 10

3.5  社会服务 11

3.6  素材中心 11

4  技术实现 11

5  预期效果 12

结  论 14

参考文献 15

致  谢 16 

1  引言

1.1  选题缘由

我国的幼儿教师队伍存在着整体学历层次不高、科研能力薄弱、各方面教育教学技能差异很大等现状,而学前教育是我国基础教育的重要组成部分,也是我国学校教育和继续教育的奠基阶段。《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》不仅明确肯定了幼儿教师在学前教育全面发展中的作用和地位,还对幼儿教师的能力与素质提出了高标准的要求[1]。因此,提高学前教育教学质量最有效的方法就是全面提高学前教师队伍的整体能力与素质。但从当前继续教育的实际发展情况看,继续教育对提高学前教育教学质量的作用并未有效发挥出来,据研究发现,继续教育虽然投入了大量的人力、物力、财力,但其效果却不尽如人意[2]。  学前教育继续教育网的建构与研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_58908.html
