Research on the Relationship Between College Students’ temperament andlife satisfaction
Abstract:In order to understand the relationship between temperament type and life satisfaction of college students ,this study uses Temperament Scale and college students'life satisfaction rating scale for 103 college students.The results showed that:Sanguine te mperament in objective, subjective satisfaction and overall satisfaction dimensions of life satisfaction of college students with the highest satisfaction, quality of depression of college students in the objective, subjective satisfaction and overall satisfaction dimensions of life satisfaction on the lowest satisfaction;choleric temperament and sanguine temperament satisfaction in life satisfaction of objective, subjective satisfaction and overall satisfaction score is higher than phlegm and depression;There were significant differences in bilious temperament and sanguineous temperament of life satisfaction of college students in the school record dimension grades dimensions of life satisfaction of college students, there were significant differences in many blood and mucus. The life satisfaction of college students in the objective life satisfaction, depression and choleric,sanguine, phlegmatic temperament and there were significant differences inother dimensions, the difference was not significant.
Key word: life satisfaction;temperament;College students
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
1 引言 2
2 研究设计 3
2.1 研究对象 3
2.2 研究工具 3
2.2.1 气质类型量表 3
2.1.2 大学生生活满意度评定量表 4
2.3 实测过程 4
2.4 数据采集与分析 4
3 研究结果 4
3.1 不同气质类型大学生生活满意度状况 4
3.2 大学生气质类型与生活满意度关系研究 4
4 分析讨论 6
4.1 不同气质类型大学生生活满意度状况 6
4.2 不同气质类型大学生生活满意度的差异 6
4.2.1 不同气质类型大学生在学习成绩文度上差异 6
4.2.2 不同气质类型大学生在客观生活满意度文度上差异 7
5 结论 7
参考文献 8
附录 9
致谢 13
1 引言
20世纪50年代开始,心理学研究者开拓了主观幸福感的研究领域。而今学者们一般都认同主观幸福感由三个不同的文度组成:即积极情感、消极情感和生活满意度[1]。主观幸福感是指个体依据自己设定的标准对其生活质量所做的整体评价[2]。其中,生活满意度是主观幸福感的认知成分。随着物质生活的改善,越来越多的人开始追求高的生活质量努力的提高自己的生活满意度。从心理学的角度来看,目前心理学界对生活满意度的界定并不统一:Shin和Johnson认为生活满意度是心里幸福感的重要组成部分,是一个人根据自己选择的标准对其生活质量所做出的总体评价。陈丽娜认为生活满意度可以分为两大部分,一部分是对个体生活质量的总的评价,另一种是特殊生活满意度(对不同领域的评价,例如学校生活满意度、工作单位满意度、收入满意度等等。)前者较后者来讲有着更高的稳定性。[3] 大学生气质类型与生活满意度关系研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_6047.html