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时间:2020-09-18 19:05来源:毕业论文



Abstract:The problem of employment of university students is a hot topic in current colleges and universities,and even the whole social concern and discussion. With the rapid development of higher education in China,the number of college graduates increased year by year,the employment situation is becoming more and more serious,all graduates in two universities,the number of graduates accounted for a large proportion,due to various reasons,the employment problem more prominent. Therefore,to solve the difficult employment problem of  the two undergraduate college students  is not only related to their own interests,but also related to social harmony and stability and long-term development.This paper combines the employment situation of the current two undergraduate students ,starting from two undergraduate college students employment problems and reasons,to explore the effective measures to solve the two undergraduate students employment.

Keywords: two undergraduate students,the employment problem,countermeasures


1  引言 2

2  当前二类本科大学生就业形势分析 3

3  二类本科大学生就业存在的问题及原因分析 3

3.1  就业能力不足 3

3.2  非认知技能缺乏 4

3.3  学历歧视问题 4

3.4  自身专业知识不扎实 4

3.5  缺乏就业心理准备 5

3.6  缺乏正确的就业观念 5

4  解决问题的可行性策略分析 5

4.1  深化教育教学改革,提高二类本科大学生就业能力 5

4.2  重视非认知技能培养 7

4.3  消除学历歧视,实现二类本科大学生公平就业 7

4.4  认真学好专业课程,夯实专业知识基础 8

4.5  实现角色转变,做好就业心理准备 8

4.6  树立正确的就业观念 8

结论 9

参考文献 10

1  引言

随着大众教育的普及和大学扩招,大学生不再是稀缺资源,又由于近几年中国经济结构调整和国际经济复苏缓慢等因素,使中国企业的经营环境恶化,导致企业持续缩减人力资源需求。大学生就业难已经成为日益突出的社会问题,而在全部毕业生中,二类本科院校的毕业人数占了很大的比例,因种种原因就业问题更加突出,待业人数逐渐加大。因此,当前,研究二类本科大学生就业存在问题及对策成为一项重要的任务。解决好大学生就业问题能够促进先进生产力的发展,也是发展先进文化的根本任务之一,有助于促进社会的稳定与和谐发展。本文通过对二类本科大学生就业现状的分析,找出其就业存在的问题及原因,并提出行之有效的对策,希望对二类本科院校大学生的就业有所帮助。 二类本科大学生就业存在问题及对策分析:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_60903.html
