摘 要: 3岁左右的幼儿在入园时普遍存在入园焦虑,这是他们从自然人向社会人过渡过程中发展出的正常性情绪问题。从熟悉的家庭环境进入陌生的幼儿园,面对环境的突变他们会用自己的行动表达恐惧感,焦躁和不安。哭闹,沉默,甚至呕吐,腹痛,眩晕。若幼儿长期处于这种消极的情绪状态中,会严重影响到幼儿的身心发展。本文主要针对小班幼儿的入园焦虑问题,分析该年龄阶段焦虑的特点,找出缓解分离焦虑的重点,具体情况具体分析,采取有效的干预对策。59095
Abstract: Children at about 3 years old in kindergarten, are widespread in anxiety, it is their transition from natural person to social person emotional problems is normal process. Familiar home environment into the unfamiliar to the kindergarten, in the face of environment mutation they will use their own actions express feelings of fear, anxiety and discomfort. Crying, silence, and even vomiting, abdominal pain, dizziness. If a child that is in the negative emotion state for a long time, will seriously affect the children's physical and mental development. This paper mainly for small children in anxiety problem, analysis the characteristics of the age of anxiety, to find relief the focal point of separation anxiety, particular case is particular analysis, take effective intervention countermeasures.
Keywords: the bottom class children, anxiety in the kindergarten, countermeasures
一. 引言 1
二. 研究意义 1
2.1 理论意义 1
2.2 现实意义 1
三.入园焦虑的成因 1
3.1安全需要的暂时性缺失 1
3.2 依恋及分离焦虑导致 2
3.3 依赖向自理过渡的不适应 2
四.入园焦虑的表现 2
4.1 多血质幼儿表现 2
4.2 胆汁质幼儿表现 2
4.3黏液质幼儿表现 3
4.4 抑郁质幼儿表现 3
五.入园焦虑的解决对策 3
5.1 前奏---准备阶段 3
5.2主旋律---调整适应阶段 4
5.3终曲——稳定阶段 8
结 论 10
参考文献 11
致 谢 12
1 引言
2. 研究意义
2.1 理论意义
2.2 现实意义
目前仍存在幼儿园以及家庭方面将幼儿入园焦虑作为消极问题处理,以有害心理对待,研究此类问题并加以普及一方面利于幼儿园正常工作的开展,另一方面也减少家庭对这一问题的担忧。 幼儿入园焦虑及其对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_64139.html