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时间:2020-11-04 10:15来源:毕业论文



Abstract: the so-called green classroom, is geared to the needs of all students, construct the new relationship between teachers and students, take the student as this, focus on the sustainable development of the students, at the same time of follow the rules of the classroom teaching, pay attention to the improvement of students' humanities quality and evaluation from the view of development of students, with the recognition methods motivate students the classroom. Classroom there are some outstanding problems at present: classroom teaching mode of “teaching”, “immobilized” teaching content, the relationship between teachers and students of inequality, others uncivilized phenomenon, etc.are far from the requirements of “green”class. Create a “green”class strategy mainly has: 1.strengthen democratic management, implementing the scientific concept of development. 2.the implementation of quality education, improve the evaluation. 3. sets up the gentle state of mind, optimize teaching methods. 4.carrying forward humanistic spirit, the establishment of new relationship between teachers and students. 5.correct behavior in class, advocate the teachers and students "dance" .6.enrich the teaching content, improve study interest.

Key words: language; Green classroom; Create a strategy

1 绿色课堂的内涵 3

2 课堂现状及分析 4

2.1 课堂教学方式“程序化” 5

2.2 教学内容“固定化” 5

2.3 师生关系的不平等 6

2.4 听课者的不文明现象 6

3 实现“绿色课堂”的措施 7

3.1 加强民主管理,落实科学发展观 7

3.2 实施素质教育,改善评价制度 8

3.3 树立平和心态,优化教学方式 8

3.4 弘扬人文精神,建立新型师生关系 10

3.5 纠正听课行为,倡导师生“共舞” 11

3.6 丰富教学内容,提高学习兴趣 11

参考文献 13

致  谢 14



1 绿色课堂的内涵

    绿色教育是素质教育不断强化过程当中提出的新理念,其焦点在于科学教育与教育相交融,培育可持续发展的人才。在绿色教育的理念下衍生出的“绿色课堂”,是面向全体学生,构建新式的师生关系,以学生为本,着眼于学生的可持续发展,在遵守课堂教学顺序的同时,重视学生人文素质的提高,用发展的眼光评价学生,用欣赏的方式鞭策学生的课堂。 语文绿色课堂内涵现状及创建策略:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_64144.html
