Abstract:Cooperation is an important way to promote children's social adaptation, social development, the development of children in the future play a major role in promoting. Partner relationship for their own development of children and children's social adaptation has a vital role, and early childhood is critical in the process of development period, cultivate children's cooperative behavior and spirit, comprehensive development helps children. In this paper, defining the relevant concepts, then analyze the development characteristics of small, in children, cooperative behavior, the influence factors of cooperative behavior and from the cultivation of preschool children's own development, teachers' guidance, family education and environmental factors were analyzed, on this basis, put forward to cultivate children's cooperative behavior the strategy.
Keywords: Cooperative behavior,Development characteristics,Training strategy
1 引 言 4
1.1 选题缘由 4
1.2 概念界定 4
1.3 文献综述 5
1.4研究方法 5
2 幼儿合作行为发展的特点 6
2.1小班幼儿合作行为的特点 6
2.2中班幼儿合作行为的特点 7
2.3大班幼儿合作行为的特点 8
3.幼儿合作行为发展的影响因素 9
3.1幼儿自身对合作行为发展的影响 9
3.2家庭教育对合作行为发展的影响 10
3.3环境因素对合作行为发展的影响 10
4幼儿合作行为的培养策略 11
4.1根据不同年龄段的幼儿的特点制定不同的发展方式 11
4.2为幼儿提供发展合作行为的良好条件 12
4.3家园合作培养幼儿合作能力 12
结语 13
参考文献 14
1 引 言
1.1 选题缘由
随着计划生育在我国的推广和实施,现如今中国家庭的孩子基本都是独生子女,在家中得到的过度溺爱造成了孩子们以自我为中心的性格,凡事喜欢争强好胜,失去为他人考虑的优秀品格,不会合作;或者只是一地希望从别人身上汲取而不懂得付出。因此造成了他们难以和同伴和谐共处,更不用说合作的意识。合作作为一种重要的亲社会行为,其发展对于帮助儿童克服自我中心、改善同伴关系、发展道德自律、提高社会交往技能、促进个性和社会性行为发展意义重大[1]。 幼儿合作行为的培养研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_64145.html