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时间:2021-01-26 21:33来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Parent-child reading, a way of adults and children in the family reading together. By reading, parents cultivate children good reading habits, improve children's language comprehension and expression ability, internalize the knowledge of picture books, let children get many experience.And father's participation in the parent-child reading, has positive significance to the development of infant's ability to the above. This article applies the method of investigation and study of father participating in parent-child reading situation has carried on the investigation and analysis, found that there is a father out reading himself, this performance was a father's lack of awareness of the importance of reading and understanding to the reading material with deviation, lack of initiative in the parent-child reading activities and the lack of guidance of parent-child reading knowledge and strategy, and so on. In this based on the analysis of the proposed in parent-child reading attaches great importance to the role of father, building sweet atmosphere of reading, improving reading strategies, such as participate in external support improve father's participation in parent-child reading strategies.

Keywords : father's participation, parent-child reading, investigation and study

1 前言 4

1.1 研究缘起 4

1.2 研究意义 4

1.3 概念界定 5

1.4 文献综述 6

1.5 研究对象与方法 7

2 研究数据的整理与分析 7

2.1 父亲对亲子阅读的态度分析 8

2.2 父亲创设亲子阅读条件的分析 9

2.3 父亲对读物的使用分析10

2.4 父亲对亲子阅读的材料分析10

2.5 父亲在亲子阅读中的指导策略分析11

3 父亲淡出亲子阅读的状况分析11

3.1 父亲对亲子阅读的重要性缺乏认识12

3.2 父亲对阅读选材的理解有偏差12

3.3 父亲在亲子阅读活动中缺乏主动性12

3.4 父亲缺乏指导亲子阅读的知识和策略12

4 父亲参与亲子阅读的改进策略13

4.1 在亲子阅读中重视父亲角色13

4.2 父亲积极营造温馨的阅读氛围13

4.3 父亲要不断完善亲子阅读策略13

4.4 父亲参与亲子阅读的外部支持14




附录  父亲参与幼儿亲子阅读的调查问卷18

1  前  言 

1.1 研究缘起


其一,关注亲子阅读是现代社会发展和教学研究的必然趋势。当代社会普遍认为阅读是一个人必备的能力之一,众所周知,一个人要有学识,势必要阅读,多阅读多积累才能走向成功,而获得成功的基础是在儿童3-8岁时奠定的,这是儿童自主阅读能力发展的关键时期。自主阅读能力的培养应当是从儿童时期就开始的一项系统工程,父母是儿童的第一任老师,家庭教育多是潜移默化的,它的重要性不言而喻。因此,在早期阅读教育中,我们倡导将亲子阅读融入到家庭教育中去。在国外,美国的中产阶级家庭每天都和孩子一起阅读,日本也曾有一位儿童读物作家发起过“亲子读书运动”,带动了“家庭文库”的产生和发展。亲子阅读是实施早期阅读的一种基本形式,也是符合学龄前儿童年龄发展特点的最有效的形式,通过亲子阅读我们不仅可以开拓幼儿的眼界,而且可以促进亲子之间的情感交流。 父亲参与幼儿亲子阅读状况调查研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_69000.html
